Anyone try protodioscin

Has anyone heard of or tried protodioscin. I have been reading a little about it. It’s supposed to be in tribulus and it’s supposed to be able to stimulate the 5 alpha reductase enzyme.

Don’t know if there is any truth to this but I am trying to find natural supplements that can increase DHT and/or 5 alpha reductase function.

There seems to be evidence that nettle root can increase free DHT by reducing SHBG. But there also seems to be just as much evidence that suggests nettle root is also a 5 alpha reductase inhibiter.

Fish oil is deff not safe. It’s deff a 5 alpha reductase inhibiter.

Seeing that all of are problems started in result of taking a 5 alpha reductase inhibiter I think the most likely treatment/ cure is to try to find ways to increae DHT and hopefully 5 alpha reductase.

Anyone know of any good sups that can do this?
Would be nice if we could find a member who had tried protodioscin

I’m afraid this condition isn’t caused only by lack of 5ar enzyme, but that certainly is part of it. I used tribulus, but with high percentage of plant extract- like 40%. In my case it was ‘brand’ called tribestan and it helped me, i think in all sides. My hair began to fall after couple of days and it was for the first time in my life that i felt good because of it :slight_smile:

Good to hear trib improved some of your symptoms.

If there is any truth to protodioscin (which I Guess is in certain trib suppletments) being able to increase 5 alpha reductase I would be interested in trying it.

I think the main thing these DHT inhibiters do to people who are sensitive to them (like us) is that they mess with how DHT is used in are body. After u have something taken from u (like normal
Sexual function) that you have had sense your teenage years it’s no wonder to me why you would have mental issues and problems sleeping.

It’s obvious more senior members have much more complicated explanations but I honestly do think that to an extent it’s just that easy.

As stupid as this sounds if I could find a doc crazy enough to just inject straight DHT into my prostate just to see what would happen I would go for it.

Try world abs trib really high levels of this active ingredient.

Studies haven’t been able to show that tribulus raises testosterone, just that it helps with ED and libido. I have tried it and can confirm that it works really well for those, in the short term.

Good to hear it works in the short term for a lot of us.

Do you guys contribute the positive results from trib to be from
An increase in testosterone or DHT or both.

I think I want to use this as a test. In my case I know raising testosterone levels does nothing for my sexual sides. I know this because I have already tried TRT replacement as well as clomid. I verified via labs that both of these meds (the T gel and clomid) increased my total T and free T. My estrogen was in check during both treatments. But like I said my sexual sides did not improve. I wonder if I was to take Trib and even notice short term relief of ED and labido if this would confirm that trib is doing something else other than increasing testosterone such as maybe increasing DHT or 5 alpha reductase activity.