Anyone try mushrooms

Magic mushrooms might rebalance the brain.

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I think you would need to be very careful with something like this. Bad trips can cause lasting problems of their own kind. Someone trying it would need to start small and do it in a very safe envrionment, probably with someone who can monitor how you’re doing, create a safe environment, prevent outside interruptions and problems from other people causing a disturbance, etc.

Having said this, it appears some of these things have a use in PTSD, stress relief, creative purposes.

I think problems can happen when they become the entire pre-occupation of someone’s private time.

For example, they are spending all their time thinking about drugs, using drugs, talking with other people about drugs, buying more drugs, obtaining cryptocurrency to buy drugs, going to drug parties, getting arrested related to drugs, concealing drugs in the apartment, hiding drugs inside their asshole, doing work to get money for drugs, coming down from drugs. Everything becomes drugs and there is no respect for normal reality. These people lose the ability to have a good day-to-day experience. I guess it is possible to use things moderately, but some people take it too far.

Anyone ever looked into micro-dosing?


Ofcourse…I tried truffles in Amsterdam a while ago…I took what might be considered a heroic dose…It gave me relief of my mental sides for 3 weeks, but sadly i had relapsed…I have been wanting to go back ever since, but CORONA has other plans

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I have tried it. Tripping and microdose. But no lasting results. Or well maybe some insights about myself and life but nothing specifically pssd related.

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Did it a couple times, it doesn’t make things worse or better.

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Did a large dose and had a bad trip. I would recommend micro dosing once every 4 weeks or so.