Anyone tried long time ssri after pfs?

Anyone tried long time (like 1-2 year) ssri like escitalopram for cure pfs ? I know this drugs can be dangerous but for treatment should use long time. My depression is so hard. My All problem can be depression ? I know depression linked sexual dysfunctions.

Have you muscolar atrophy, dry skin/eye/hair, penile shrinkage?
If you have these, you’re not just depressed. Maybe, depression is a consequence.

Stay away from SSRI dude, it will make you worse. Try MAOI’s instead, Moclobemide or Parnate.

Look into lithium orotate

About two years ago, I took antidepressants because I had severe depression caused by PFS. I took it for about 6 months and my depression got much better. But nothing else has improved. But I was so suicidal at the time, and I would be alive now thanks to anti-depressants.
I also didn’t want to take antidepressants at the time. Likewise, many say that anti-depressants in the SSRI cause PFS. But I didn’t want to die, so I took antidepressants and the results were good.
The antidepressant that I took was a vortexetine type of medicine.

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Sexual sides same or worse ?

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Just same. I raise my sexual function little by little through running and exercising myself.

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So ssris will not damage my sexual functions but saved me from suicide ? Saved me anhedonia and obsessions ?

I don’t know that. It may or may not be. It’s because everyone has different reactions even if they take the same medicine. So you have to make your own choice. At that time, I was very worried like you. But at that time, the suicidal impulse was so severe that I had no choice but to take medicine, which helped me. The choice is yours, and you have to accept the consequences.

Viibryd (vilazodone) I believe has a decent profile in terms of low sexual sides.

What about ketamine though? Might help give you a boost.

When you are feeling down, please refer to the following checklist:

  • Have I eaten today?
  • Have I had a glass of water today?
  • Have I done something nice for myself today?
  • Have I recognized a good thing that I did today?
  • Have I said something nice about myself today?
  • Have I had a chat with a friend today?
  • Have I given a compliment to someone today?
  • Have I done anything to take care of my direct environment today?

If any of these questions is answered with a “No”, do something small to change it into a “Yes”

These kind of checklists can help because they make the required activities that you need for positive energy very small and visible.

You can also get the help of someone else by giving them this list and getting them to ask you these questions from time to time.

You can also use different questions if you google a bit, there’s lots of inspiration for self-care checklists. But again, take it easy. A few good things done in a day is also positive progress. Don’t overwhelm yourself with tasks or put the bar too high.

SSRI are potentially dangerous for your health, I believe the best course of action is to look at lifestyle and environmental changes first and foremost.

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vortioxetine is not a ssri lol. it is snri and it havent sexual sides. i taked it for 3 months. not help

You’re right. An antidepressant that is one step more advanced than ssri. I’m sorry it didn’t work. Find another way.

I used escitalopram for a long time before PAS. then it didn’t give me pssd. Now can I be sure it won’t hurt

I hope you get good results. Cheer up.

Paraoxetine helped me for a number of years. It works on Allopregenolone. I became resistent to it in the end and have since deteriated extensively. I was not aware of pfs until years later or I wouldn’t have taken it

I just want to echo what @KoreanGuy said. I didn’t want to take ssri either but I had no choice and glad I did. It might be a risky move but I’ve tried two now and my pfs symptoms remain the same but anxiety wise I am way better off. Started with lexapro now on vortioxetine

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