Anyone tried abstaining until nocturnal emission?

Due to the reduction in size of the penis after Fin treatment, it is sometimes said that PFS might be some kind of regression to the pre pubescent state. Clearly this cannot be the entire truth.
Often adolescence is considered to be starting when a boy has it’s first nocturnal emission.
In men, prolonged abstinence from ejaculation can cause nocturnal emission.

Recently I have abstained for 4 days because I had to take spermiogram. Indeed, my libido was increased with abstinence and my urge to fap was increased. I did feel my hormones rushing and these 4 days were not extremely easy. (I actually recovered quite a bit of my libido through time, so it is not unusual for me to feel libido).
Now, adolescence is considered a period of complex hormonal storm. It is cleary hard to think to recreate that storm. However, taking hint from this study image
there appears to be a peak of 45% increase in testosterone around day 7. Clearly, some mechanism we don’t know of is at play. I can’t think of any healthier way to have an increase in testosterone. Very likely, many other physiological adaptations are at play. I didn’t study the question in depth.

One might hypotesize that nocturnal emissions are some sort of apex of this physiological evolution, altough not necessarily coincident with the peak in testosterone.

I was wondering if anyone ever tried to exploit this phenomenon and reach this hypothetical apex to see if this physiological adaptation exerts some effect.

I recently did a 12 days NoFap and felt wat better. It’s the free Testosterone that increases on Day 7, not total. So if this is the case, should’nt those people who feel better on NoFap try TRT? If NoFap is all about raising Testosterone and if we feel better on it, trt would do the same thing right?

I really don’t think that only T increases. Increase in free(as you say) T is a paramenter that has been studied, but surely something happens in the brain and body which we are not aware of. I don’t think that doing no fap once will cure anything. But being some sort of stimulus to the neuroendocrin system maybe it could add some incremental slight change in the medium/long run.

Personally I think that, expecially those who were on Fin for long time probably got their neuronal connectivity disrupted. From my knowledge male hormonal/neurostroid upregulation (not limited to T) is essential for neuronal plasticity. In crude terms, giving an opposed androgenic stimulus might help in rebuilding part of the connectivity and correct androgenic pathways. This of course is just speculation. So many things are not known of the brain-body system that trial and error is mandatory.

As an example, I have low semen volume since fin. I don’t know what this is due to, maybe to low hormones, maybe to reduced storage in capacity in the epidydimis. Possibly both. Just as an hypothesis low DHT during therapy might have decreased sperm production, causing epidydimis hypothrophy, as this study could suggest.

In fact reduced DHT during Fin therapy causes reduced activation of the androgen receptor and as demonstrated in this study on rats, reduced adrogen receptor activation causes epididymis epithelial hypoplasia and hypotrophy.

The most intriguing way I can think of to re-grow the thing is by trying to reproduce what happened during adolescence by allowing sperm to build up and eventually “inflate” the epididymis, together with free T increase and possibly other hormonal changes. Might try that.

So just to be clear on your question, I don’t think TRT mimics the phenomenon in all it’s entirety. Did you experience any lasting improvement after NoFap experience?