Anyone recover from muscle loss?

Let me know if you find the answer.

I think if u get physical symptoms you’re fucked…My stomach, chest even arms in bicep area are so large and swollen in appearance…Don’t think anything you can do…mine just keeps getting worse and weight just keeps increasing slo…have gained 35lbs ain’t doing anythingdifferent…I was told to visit Dr goldstein in San Diego…Would have to fly 3000 miles and who knows if it would even help? I have my doubts…never heard of any body recovering from these physical symptoms.

@Luckfax Do you have any update on your muscle wastage? Did anything improve for you?

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I found fasting helped a lot with this. I would fast every weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) then eat a keto diet during the week. I won’t say I got as androgenic as I used to be, but I did get lean and masculine looking.

It is hard, but I think keeping fat off of you is a must. Whatever goes on in our bodies makes fat beget more fat and estrogenic effects. Unfortunately this did nothing for my libido, though it did give me rock hard nocturnal erections.

Would you do me a huge favor and just kind of give an example of what your diet was like during the week? I understand a keto diet is 20g and below of carbs, any ideas or examples is much appreciated of what kinds of things you eat, and what you do to prevent it from being so repetitive. Did you have substantial muscle wastage? I’m talking about a complete loss of muscle from just about everywhere.

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How do you feel today about muscle loss guys???