Anyone knowledgeable on thyroid, cholesterol adrenal and cortisol issues (Have some blood tests)

Hi all,

Last August I took two Tribulus pills which made me a lot worse.
One issue was that after 20 years of having a morning coffee had to stop as it was making me feel anxious and nervous. And I no longer drink coke etc

Last Christmas period I did try to have a coffee and that day all was fine but on the third day of drinking coffee I started to get anxious and then on the fourth day my penal shrinkage was being made worse so I felt like caffeine was too taxing on my body and just decided to completely quit.

Very recently I had blood tests done and my Doctor is perplexed that in 18 months my cholesterol reading has more than doubled from 2 to 4.2.
My triglyceride reading is quite high 2.79 and out of normal range and my thyroid results from what I can gather suggest sub clinical hypothyroidism.

My Doc says he will retest in 3 months

Could my adrenals be messed up and in turn be screwing up other things like the above issues and also I developed alopecia barbae after Tribulus so I wonder could an adrenal issues me messing up my auto immune response too? I also have more aches and pains and joint issues since Tribulus.

Could adrenal testing be beneficial and which type is most advisable IE blood or saliva?

If this is an adrenal issue, my hope is to fix it and get back to pre Tribulus status.

Thanking You
Irish Legend

Also the fact I react bad to caffeine would that suggest I have high/highish cortisol levels?