@ swq5803000
I have never seen anyone get blood neurotransmitter levels
This labs reference range is difficult because all it’s telling us is less then a certain amount is normal or that less then a certain amount is not high . It’s not telling us if the values are low or not
It seems like the catecholamines play a part in the sexual sides for me . So far taking the phenylalanine, tyrosine and co factors b4 and vitamin C have helped noticeably with erections even though erections are still not great and over all libido improved as well. Sensitivity is not terrible currently either. My sexual function was nonexistent for the 44 days in my latest serotonin trial prior to starting this. So this is a noticeable improvement. However orgasm remains non existent, ejaculation quality and quantity remain very poor. I’m going to keep hammering the whole dopamine, norepinephrine and Epinephrine pathway to see what happened’s. I’ll continue to increase dosage in everything. So far no adverse reactions. Sleep remains overall pretty good. So overall so far so good