I see many complain of watery ejaculate… I can’t say the same for myself. Mine is very strange. Its is like watery on the outside, but the thick stuff seems to be seperated? Almost like in a clump in the middle?
Mine is like that too most times
soo strange… anyways I believe we are fighting an infection/overgrowth…
EBV, sibo, candida etc…
Idk, as much as it would be nice and allow me to be able to take some kind of action, it’s probably genetics or else people would Have figured it out over the last 20 years
Mine is the same
Best to get a urinanalysis and a urine culture and a semen analysis to rule out infections of all types.
After you rule out all that stuff, it is much easier to then move your doctor to talk about the side effects of things like finasteride.
If we don’t get the usual medical tests, we are seen as faking or not willing to get the truth. We have to play their game in a sense to move them toward the next level: real side effects of finasteride/PFS.