Anyone have seen this before???

Here are my new Labs from 9.5.2012
I can not belive that, I never have seen something like that before, the Doc, from the Lab called me and asked what is wrong with me. They checked the Test twice.

24/H Urin:

Krea in Ur.-----------------0,6 g/l-------0,8-2,0

DHEA----------------------42,7 ug/g----5,8-32,0
5AR Aktivity------------------1,0 Ratio-----0,3-0,9!!!
Estron (E1)-------------------233,5--------9,1-23,1
Estradiol (E2)----------------9278,7--------24,9-81,1
Estriol Quotient----------------0,0Ratio-----73,2-523
All Estrogens 9644,7 ug/g Kreatinin

This Lab is realy weird!!!

Ok hold on here, am I reading this right? Your testosterone is 4 times normal high levels? Are you on a boatload of anabolic steroids? And also even more insane, your E2 is thousands of times higher than normal? Did you put this in wrong or I am reading it wrong? The european system seems different for blood values but that is ridiculous.

Also get your 3-Alphadiol-G tested.

hey, this is no joke! I take nothing, just Asparaginacid. E2 is Faktor 114 more than normal.
This is realy insane, with that E2 i must have big boobs, but i dont and still can get it up. The doc. from the Lab called me and asked what I did, they have never seen such a thing before and checked the Test twice. Look at the 5AR ratio.

If all the listed tests are urine, this may be of interest.


So what your doctor told you about this report or he has not seen the report yet? is it blood or urine report?

The doc from the lab called me and asked me, what I did, he cant explain it. Also my Doc has no clue. Me too. I first thought this was a mistake.

Perhaps you should test E2, Testo and all other weird values again? Perhaps it is a mistake of the lab?

The Doc from the lab said, they checked it twice it´s no mistake.

No I dont think it might be a mistake.
is it urine tests?
I think the reason is that testosterone (DHT) is not being metabolised.
Androgen receptors not working. I am also proponent of anti bodies or allergy to our own testosterone theory,Especially when some claim that they felt recovered on Dexamethasone or other immuno suppresive drugs. But they got back to shit once they stopped the drug.

5AR Aktivity------------------1,0 Ratio-----0,3-0,9!!!

5AR works, but DHT makes no action.
Everything known from many other drugs. SSRI´s Accutane. If you would have a autoimmund.
no one would ever recover. Epigenig changes are reversible.
High T most people feel like shit, dexta lowers T thats why.

My 5AR activity was normal-high too.

Even my 3a Diol G was high (when I was on testosterone injections).

Also my hair falls out when I am on testosterone.

But I still feel zero difference between having my testosterone levels at 99 (lower than a female) or 1,200…

what evidence you have to support that Dexa lowers T? I did not read anywhere. And where did you read that high T makes you feel like shit. T is supposed to mood stabiliser under normal conditions.
The reason I say auto immune is that T have positive, muscle enhancing on all women, children etc. Women have very low T but when injected T respond great and develop big muscles. why do they respond so well.

who has recovered? There is no solid evidence for any recovery so far.These are just claims.No one has posted any blood report to support his recovery so far.

What will those blood test show? Nothing. You can have a a low DHT or T and your body can work again, Important is just the output. There are People who recover from PSSD and Accutane personlay talked to a guy, who had nearly the same sides from accutane, and has recoverd and I havent seen any blood test, just saw how happy he is now and do you think all recovery here are just fakes? Here are also some People who are getting better with time. Sorry, but one of the most important fakts for a recovery is positiv thinking. This topic is in my mind most of the day, I dont know how this is for you, but I think it´s for most of the people here the same. I feel much better, when I dont think of all this shit. If you Think its not possible to recover, ok you cant think so, but honestly I dont care and I dont want to hear that negativ thoughts. If you think it is some think autoimmun, than find a lab and do a test. We have no solid evidence for this but a solid evidence that there is something on the AR level. We know from SSRi´s and accutane that they can make epigenetic changes and there are solid evidences for that. And such changes are reversible! Stay positiv!

Anything New from The lab and your Doctors? Are they still Interesses in Treating you?

They have no clue. So what shall they do?

so right so right Brinbug.

silenced genes…epic genetics…what bunch of crap. im absolutelly 99% per cent recovered and I only took 5 months to REALLLY take care of myself…DONT BUY INTO THAT. this is not irreversible!!

Silenced genes and epigenetic, it is for sure always reversible but we need to find the switch.
You are 99% recoverd? Wow awsome I´m very happy for you!!! :slight_smile: This gives people a lot of hope!!!

we are basically starving on a mollecular level
when your body starves…and i say that because we are starving on a mollecular level…our body starts to shut down first…the less vital organs and then libido …after that the body starts to eat the protein in ourselves…thats why so many men had muscle wastage…the body is eating it self away in order to survive
after that…so the body wont collapse…it actually starts shuting down brain activity
in order to save energy
and that means
which controls all the higher emotions
however higher emotionals are not a need for survival

and thats why we feels pretty much like lethargic little shit
and have almost a reptilian brain …that is only concerned about not dying

just watch this…it talks about brain activity being shut down…and this is not BS…ok this is pure science