I used to get a pretty bad cold and sore throat every few months, but almost nothing since PFS. Just a very occasional mild cold for a day.
I’ve thought about this and here’s my theory:
I recently did an Adrenal Stress Index test which measures Cortisol and also includes SigA (Secretory Immunoglobulin A) which is the part of the immune system which protects you from the cold virus.
My Cortisol was very low and my SigA was high. These two have an inverse relationship, so when Cortisol is high, SigA is low - hence why you get more colds when you’re under stress. As my Cortisol level is very low, SigA is high and I don’t get colds.
As I recover I expect Cortisol will rise, SigA will lower and then I’ll probably get colds more frequently - but hopefully not as much as before PFS, as I’ll be more careful about managing stress.