Anyone get cold or flu ?

Have you gotten a cold or flu since getting PFS ?

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Has anyone here got a cold or flu since getting PFS ?

I have not got a cold or flu in years, but I use to get a bad cold atleast once a year.

This leads me to believe that PFS could be some sort of autoimmune problem.

If I get a cold it only lasts for 2 days or so and is very weak.

I didmt get cold since pfs but i dont say that im not believeing autoimmune problem. If i eat something wrong my fingers begin to skinnier. Like something eat them.

I have only gotten a cold 3 times in my 5 years of pfs
and the colds have only happened when my pfs symptoms
temporarily improved a little bit.

maybe only once in 5 years.

Yeah while I was on fin for like 9 years and had no flu’s and like 2 colds in 9 years. I wonder if high estrogen to progesterone ratio somehow thwarts off virus or flu’s

We are so messed up even viruses don’t want any part of it. Both my kids were sick last week. I always catch what they bring home. So far nothing. This has been on my mind lately. I have been so weak from PFS I was thinking, Pfs+flu= death. Usually you sleep away a flu. What the hell happens if you have fin induced insomnia. How do you recover?

Any of you get the flu shot after PFS?

In my case, it would be the opposite. I wasn’t the kind of person that gets flu more than once a year before getting PFS, but the year of my crash, I had it multiple times. I remember one flu that began just as another one was ending. It’s a problem that subsided at some point later on, but I also began to take supplements that are supposed to boost the immune system, so maybe that helped.

i had flu like symtoms almost constantly for around a year after the crash,ill for 3 weeks, ok for a week then ill for 3 weeks and so on,never been ill since…

I used to get a pretty bad cold and sore throat every few months, but almost nothing since PFS. Just a very occasional mild cold for a day.

I’ve thought about this and here’s my theory:

I recently did an Adrenal Stress Index test which measures Cortisol and also includes SigA (Secretory Immunoglobulin A) which is the part of the immune system which protects you from the cold virus.

My Cortisol was very low and my SigA was high. These two have an inverse relationship, so when Cortisol is high, SigA is low - hence why you get more colds when you’re under stress. As my Cortisol level is very low, SigA is high and I don’t get colds.

As I recover I expect Cortisol will rise, SigA will lower and then I’ll probably get colds more frequently - but hopefully not as much as before PFS, as I’ll be more careful about managing stress.

how is this possible?

Here is another topic discussing the same question.

Sort of makes sense. High testosterone is thought to suppress the immune system. It stands to reason that someone with low test would have the opposite effect.

This could be part of the explanation for sure.

My theory about Cortisol and SigA is simplified and I’m sure the reality is much more complex - with low testosterone playing a part in it.

what cortisol blood or saliva? I always have high blood cortisol but like many here don’t get cold or tonsillitis which I used to have.

I’ve done both saliva and urine tests for Cortisol - both showed low levels.

I’m not sure about the difference between blood and saliva testing, but Cortisol levels change throughout the day, so that could skew your results.

If your Cortisol is consistently high and you don’t get sick, then that’s interesting and suggests something else is at play here.

Anyone else not get sick since getting PFS ?

I’ve been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis which i had prior to taking Finasteride but went undiagnosed for 20 years due to purely medical incompetence l have also been diagnosed with colitis but I do suspect that this was caused to years and years of excessive amounts of Nsaids whilst the anykylosing spondylitis savaged my body so again due to medical incompetence or negligence . Both of these are autoimune system problems so either it is people with autoimune system issues are more prone to side affects from Finasteride or maybe its something else.
One thing I’m pretty sure of is we can’t go blaming catching a common cold :sneezing_face: on PFS its a crazy assumption really as everyone is supsettable to a cold or the flu regardless or age gender or medical history.
It makes PFS sufferers come across as hypochondriacs.
The only way people are going to take things serious is if we stick to facts , stop dreaming up cures that don’t work , forget fixing things through diet , forget all the medical talk of experimenting with drugs that’s just plain dangerous without medical supervision and advice.
The medical world doesn’t have the same enthusiasm when the problem is self inflicted.
My opinion is a drug did this damage chances are only a drug will repair it if anything actually can repair things.

it’s been 1 year and 5 months that i have had this disease and i have ONLY got a strep infection. i usually get viral infections (lower respiratory infection) atleast twice a year.

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I usually get bad cold at least 3times a year. But i never got cold or covid since my crash. Its been year and a half. I feel like if i get bad cold i ll be cured