Anyone get a flu shot?

paranoid here, but im thinking to get a flu shot

im paranoid about this wuhan virus

im paranoid about getting f*&#ed up from the flu shot

whos getting one/has already?

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Hell no I haven’t got one of those shots in years, that shit will end up giving you the flu, I never touch that crap. I’ve had the flu a few times but it’s always very mild since PFS has hit me


Yeah I got one at the start of winter. No side effects.


I got one. Felt pretty crummy for a few weeks after. But now that everyone at work is out with the Flu and I am not I am happy I got it.

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There is no flu shot for the corona virus


Exactly! Plus, most of us here got hard time to catch flu after being hit by PFS…

Vaccines just like Finasteride are another form of russian roulette.

I don’t trust them and would never take a vaccine again under any circumstances.


Ha I can relate to this. I haven’t gotten one and hope I don’t regret that decision, but also there currently isn’t a vaccine against the nCoronavirus so you don’t really have a move. Just be cautious and try to take care of yourself.

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i know that. im talking about regular flu shot

thats true too, but its to decrease the overlap in data for myself and physicians.

helps everyone out imo

Yes I got one. No impact.

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Got one too over a month ago with no sides.

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I have gotten a flu shot every year since I was 18 and now almost 48. Never any side effects.

I only had the flu once in my life. The flu vaccine works! Good science. Like all vaccines. Most side effects are psychological–or people being paranoid.

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People also take Finasteride for years without side effects.

Its not psychological or paranoid vaccines can and do cause real harm.

Not sure why you would even question this after getting PFS from a “safe” drug.

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i agree i think flu shot sides shouldnt be discounted

science is not settled

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Christ. Please don’t do this anti-vax shit here. The last thing the PFS community needs is this kind of bad optics.


“Anti-vax” is another loaded term.

Merck destroyed our lives with Finasteride.

But when it comes to vaccines like MMR we are suppose to believe Merck wouldn’t lie about its safety ?

I don’t care if you call me anti-vax the truth is the truth vaccines can and do cause real harm.

A vaccine is not a drug. It works with our immune system to fight pathogens.

And anybody who really thinks a politician has your best interest at heart by spreading lies or conspiracy theories is mistaken.

im not saying you’re wrong

all im saying is “i dont know”

You may not know, but science does. If we had a flu vaccine a hundred years ago, thousands of people would not have died. Vaccines have been successful—there has been a population explosion on earth since vaccines and antibiotics were developed. We have conquered infectious disease that used to kill people at early ages.