Anyone find it weird how there aren’t more transgender women in the pfs community?

Male to Female transgender women use finasteride as a part of their hormone replacement therapy. I find it crazy how there aren’t more of them in the community. 0.6% of the American population identify as transgender. That alone is around 2 million people (probably 1 million or so mtf transgender women).

Obviously, it is harder for them to talk about pfs seeing as they would also have to talk about their transition. So maybe they just avoid the forums altogether? I don’t know it’s just something that popped into my head.

They take Cyproterone Acetate. Although they are all anti androgen drugs, they don’t know whether it has anything to do with the type of drugs

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Perhaps genetically their bodies are not as reliant on androgens since being predisposed to transgenderism likely comes with more feminine traits (less androgenic?)

Similar to how PFS is much more prevalent in younger men who take it for hair loss vs older men who take it for prostate. Younger men are much more androgenic.

I’m just thinking out loud. I don’t have any data to back this up regarding transgenders but it would make sense to me.

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Mhmm I have never heard of this drug before. Nothing came up on google either.

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this,Ironically, some transsexuals believe that finasteride is too small to achieve the effect of denaturation

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PFS is rare. Being transgender is rare. Transgender + PFS would be even rarer. And if they got it, perhaps they wouldn’t know which drug to attribute it to, since they have to take a few different ones.


I know Mary Payne spoke to a few transgender women for her book. There were a couple on PH a while ago from what I recall.