Anyone else lose track of time?

Ever since getting PFS in September, it feels like time has stopped basically. Feels like the last two months have gone by in a fog, and I barely even remember anything from them. It’s as if I’m just living one long day instead of living normally, day by day as others do. Also I often can’t remember things like dates, or what day of the week it is. Tragic really.

Sorry if this post sounds kinda strange, I suck at explaining things. Not to mention my fin induced mental issues make it really hard for me to write things. While I’ve seen some great progress on the sexual side, the mental sides are way worse imo.


Lots of us experience this. Where days/weeks blend together. This time issue has gotten better for me as time as passed. For me it was highly related to my derealization


Cheers man. It just feels so weird, its like I have no memories at all from the past few months. Glad to hear it got better for you.

Yeah this is very common, I get very confused at times, things that happened two years ago feel like yesterday, the last year doesn’t feel like it happened, since September 2017 i feel like I’m stuck in time almost.

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Yes. Same for me. One long day.


Yes exactly. Sadly for me the disconnected, not myself/lightheaded feeling never went away. Looking in the mirror everyday is a constant reminder that something is seriously/fundamentally wrong.


Yes god yes, i got this

A dream type state during the day

Yup. 6 months before sides I remember doing so much stuff. Dates, meeting people, reading…

3.5 years since, everything has blended into a void in time even though I’ve done much of the same stuff I did prior. The 6 months prior feels like an eternity of memories and experiences compared to when I started getting sides in 2016.

To be fair, I think this is a direct result of the depression component of this condition which is by far the worst part for me.

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This symptom is thankfully pretty much gone for me.

How far in did it resolve bro?

Hard to say since it was really gradual. I really “noticed” that it was gone around two months ago. I crashed last November.

Awesome, glad to hear!