For some reason, in the past 6 months, I’ve stopped caring about my PFS.
I also see that activity on this forum has gone slightly down, and it makes me wonder if this feeling has not been exclusive to me, but rather felt by everyone with PFS to some degree.
I think it might be the post-covid societal depression. Nobody seems to be going out and having fun, I don’t even see it on social media much anymore. Society seems more and more like a joke to me, personally. I still have a YouTube channel that keeps me motivated and but outside of that I don’t feel much inclination to join the “others”, especially since there doesn’t seem to be as many “others” as there used to be, if you get what I’m saying.
A large part of why PFS is detrimental is the hit to your social life. Getting laid, making friends, becoming successful financially, etc all become much harder if not impossible when you have it. At least for me it’s appeared that way. The reality is, for 90% of us PFS is not 24/7 literal, excruciating physical pain, but the underlying anxiety of not performing well in life is the reason why we post here and give a shit about it so much.
For some reason this drive seems to be disappearing from people as we near a highly probable recession and our society shifts into something quite a bit different.
When I first got PFS in 2019 I had several years of “good times” behind me that I so desperately wanted to return to. But given how the past few years have been, some days I almost wonder if it’s better if I stay in this emotionally blunted PFS state. In some ways it seems like a gift, because I can endure the loneliness and lack of satisfaction with relative ease. I’m certainly not depressed, at least not in any sort of sentimental way; I’m just blunted as I was in 2019, just a lot less angry and passionate about recovering or for a cure to be found.
Obviously your experience may be different but I was just wondering if anyone shared this sentiment with me.