Anyone checked Bile Acids in blood?

Has anyone checked Bile Acid levels in the blood? I think those who are still suffering have problems with the liver/gallbladder/bile…

I for one have not taken these drugs yet I have pfs like symptoms… I have found others who also have not taken these drugs and have the symptoms (they had gallstones, thickened bile) I will provide links if needed!

I also have itchy skin, Choelsterol levels, billirubin, ggt, alt, ast, alp, and bile acids should all be checked.

@awor This is like the 3rd time this has been posted and the responses and back and forth go nowhere. This person is anxious about his health but it is not PFS.

who are you? you seem very suspicious… You comment on all of my posts? I know its an open thread/forum and everyone has the right to comment… To be honest im sick of you, and would appreciate if you did not comment on my threads/posts etc…

I don’t think he will come to this forum for no reason, just for the sake of wasting his time here… PFS is not related with Fin only, and you can find that by using the search bar.

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@joey10 has explained his situation. The staff here familiar with his story and are okay with him being a member here.


deca dick, fin, accutane, ssri, rapid weight loss … (in the end I think its the same problem we all have)
check out the video on youtube how to reverse accutane side effects he states that they are suffering from “cholestasis” or impaired bile flow…lots of us on here are low on fat soluble vitamins (a,d,e,k)

I even posted a thread last year about my skin being very itchy (its the main symptom of cholestasis, called “Pruritis”

I even found that deca can impair bile flow here is the link

My liver enzymes change from elevated to normal, every time I get them checked… same goes for billirubin…

Cholesterol is way elevated all the time at 7.1 (should be below 5) ldl is also high…

I dont want to sound cocky, and I hope God doesnt punish me for this… but I think my case is easier to solve… I just need to correct the bile flow/liver issues… People who took accutane , fin actually have to detox the drug that is still in them1

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I don’t understand how someone can have Post Finasteride Syndrome if he has never taken finasteride? Am I missing something here? I am all for supporting folks as best as we can, but we also need to root out pseudoscience and mistaken beliefs, IMHO. And work to reduce our anxiety about our bodies.

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now here is where it gets interesting… I was contacted on another forum by a guy who said he has been suffering for 8 years! He contacted me after reading my story and also said the symptoms came from rapid weight loss!

Numb genitals, loss of libido, low semen volume and force, anorgasmia, loss of morning and spontaenous erections… and more… DESPITE HAVING NORMAL BLOOD VALUES

Now the only thing that he has proven is that he had gallstones and his doctor told him he was “effectively” living without a gallbladder!!

Look this guy too…>

“At any rate, my symptoms are HIGHLY similar to the people on propeciahelp - but the odd part is … I’ve never taken propecia or any 5 alpha reductase inhibitor. It’s just so odd that the symptoms are so similar”

imagine someone 1000 years ago whose arm was chopped off with an axe…
then someone else comes along with a chopped of arm and claims it was done with a machete…

How can this person be missing an arm if his arm was not chopped off with an axe?
This my friend, is how your question looks to me…

It also took me 4 months to realize wtf had happened to my body (fog). I had severe restless legs that resolved after 1 year… all the other symptoms remain

I am not claiming I have “PFS” as I see some people here are in very bad shape. However I share the exact same sexual symptoms, as well as the urinary incontinence +testicle/groin/pelvis pain I see some people mentioned. Maybe we can all help each other out and get to the bottom of this.

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is it possible I have cholestasis/impaired bile flow? I mentioned I was eating all kinds of traditioal Croatian soups when I went on the diet… (beans, turnips, rutabega, all kinds of vegetables you guys probably never ate or heard of) I was eating this stuff like crazy…

I still have low dht 176 (350-850) so maybe I still have the thing that lowered dht in me as the body can not detox?!

The staff here strongly suspects that the condition that we call “PFS” is not exclusively triggered by Finasteride. Hence, our survey includes people who took anti-depressants, Isotretinoin and other substances that have anti-androgenic properties. Extreme forms of diet can decrease androgens as well and may be able to trigger this condition in predisposed individuals.

Let’s not exclude people who may suffer from the same condition, even if they did not take Finasteride. i agree on the pseudoscience, though.

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the guy seems very confident that our symptoms are due to impaired bile flow/choelstasis…I have the elevated cholesterol, liver enzymes, and the itching, light pale stool that smells very toxic.

So I googled how to diagnose cholestasis… You need ALP, and Bile Acids.
I rushed to get ALP (alkaline phosphatase) check and to my dissapointment it was normal. However I will have to wait another 2 weeks for my Bile Acids result.

There is a user “mariovitali” here who I came across on this forum as well as many others… He is a data analysist I believe and he also thinks its a liver/gallbladder issue.

Bile Acid results are in

1.86 (<10,0)

Am I wrong to think that I am low on bile acids?

Mate i have digestion problem when i had finastride but after discontinuing finastride my digestion problem not yet solved sometimes it ok but sometimes i have digestive problem and nausia

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@joey10 The result number 1.86 is normal because the range is anything less than 10. So it’s normal, just like your other test results you posted are normal.

0 is also less then 10…

is 0 bile acids really normal?

Do you now or have ever had a result of 0? Why are you worried about that?

If you have no gallbladder due to surgical removal of it maybe you could get a result of zero. You would have to ask a gastroenterologist.

e2 12 (11-45)
dht 176 (350-850)

how are these normal?

liver enzymes elevated above range, billirubin… uric acid… these are all normal to you?