Anyone buy Clomid Letrozole online Treat themselves

I saw one guy here was treated with clomid and letrozole and really
Improved…I have similar symptoms but can’t get a refferel or help from any Dr’s here.
I have went from 160lbs to 203lbs and about to fucking die. Legendary said
He had the same crazy weight and fluid gain in love handles and chest…It’s crazy
And it’s getting to the point that it is almost debilitating and I may even have
To quit my job and would try anything at this point…

Presumably you tried fasting?

No…Not in awhile back when I still ran several miles a week and my weight kept climbing I tried it…Because I didn’t know what the hell was happening cause I alwys kept a food journal and weighed 160ish…It kept climbing so I fasted for about 3 days but my weight just keeps getting worse…Its like you flipped some kind of internal switch…All I can find out is that it is hormonal and can’t get any help for any of the symptoms of this terrible condition…

I’d try fasting again. Your weight can’t increase. It doesn’t make sense for it to not decrease.

I tried clomid and letrozole, didn’t see any improvements. Letrozole isn’t a safe drug to experiment with I think, I almost crashed my immune system with it. It’s a very strong aromatase inhibitor which also suppresses your immune system.

One of those goof ball body builders told me to use tamoxifen instead if clomid…But to be honest the guy said clomid and letrozole and his symptoms were closest to mine…Not a lot of men get these physical symptoms…It’s terrible the weight and body fat…Tissue itself like it just totally changes and u swell up…I may order the low does 25mg clomid to start…I am getting pretty desperate as I am worsening over time…Mental sides are crippling from this and have thoughts of suicide…

Get blood tests first if you decide to use those drugs (total T, estradiol, SHBG, hemogram, AST, ALT). 25 mg clomid isn’t a low dose. Try 12.5 mg 3 times a week, get bloods after two weeks and adjust dose accordingly. If you want to use an AI, try low dose anastrozole or exemestane instead of letrozole, those are milder, letrozole is extremely potent and very hard to dose correctly.

Thank you for the help…So you cut the clomid in half or you can buy that mg? Trouble is I find anyone who will do the testing my dr can’t and reffered me to an endo and they won’t see me either because the dr siad I had pfs…

I had cut 50 mg pills into quarters. You shouldn’t use them if you can’t get blood tests. They can make you much worse and/or cause other problems if used without control.

I may try it am desperate and can’t find anyone that can do the testing…Rotten Drs. won’t see you my family dr reffered me to an endo and they were like why are we seeing you? It says PFS on your referrel and we treat hormones and you need more labs…Am like yeah, thats why am coming to you to begin whith…My dr. can’t do all that sophisticated hormone testing testosterone etc…They didn’t give a shit so either go crazy or try something yourself seems my only two options…My weight and body is unbelievable…Also I have noticed the fluid flab shit what ever you want to call it is much worse in the evnenings or nights…When I get up in the morning its no where near as big, swollen or puffy looking…Crazy shit…

That would be very unwise and you’ll probably end up much worse if you do, but it’s your body and your life…

Clomid has a long half life of 5 days, Ive heard of guys getting results from just 12.5mg every 5 days whereas more can sometimes leave you tired and feeling worse.

Well I am trying this new product 5a-DHP first…Have heard some good things about this…

Please keep us updated if it works or not, especially for ED.

I don’t have Ed or sexual sides…Only physical and mental…I will keep u updated however and I also found the direct labs online service to get the blood testing done.

It’s the opposite for me. I have ED, penile/testicular pain and shrinkage. I don’t have mental sides, and the physical sides I can live with (sunken cheeks, smaller chin). Anyway, hope it works for you. Good luck!

My physical sides are the worst part…Massive weight and fat/fluid gain…Especially abdominal area…Had to new clothes no energy either anymore…Debilitating condition for me…Have had thoughts of suicide but keep pushing on.

if that’s not a secret… why you can’t get a doc help? I mean… I doubt anyone here would help you more than a doc. would.