Hey guys so I’m not sure if I have PFS. I took finasteride from age 19 to 22 and I have been off of it for a year now. Sex drive/libido came back and erections too. However I have weird symptoms that just don’t seem to get better with time like: dry skin, fatigue, yellowish skin, thinning body hair especially on legs, feeling unmotivated and feeling like garbage even though I exercise regularly and do my best to eat healthy. I did blood tests and everything checks out good. I suspected it was thyroid related but all thyroid labs are good. Testosterone, estrogen, SHBG, prolactin are also all normal. Has anyone here experienced similar side effects and if so have they gotten any better with time?
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I have dry skin, fatigue, yellowish skin. and thinning bony hair.
I also eat healthy and exercise regularly and still feel garbage. My testosterone was high at 895ng/dl
I found that meditation helps with the fatigue. When I was angry and brainfogged I wouldn’t make it to 12 PM before getting shuteyed and sleepy. Now I can make it through the entire day without getting tired. I attribute this to calming myself down, moving slower, and not getting angry or annoyed at anything. My sleep is fine, I get about 7-8 hours of sleep.