Anybody had growling stomach accompaining slow metabolism?

Help please!

I’m suffering - along testicular painand shrinkage - slowed metabolism after my crash.

What really disturbs me too, i have really loud growling noises in the stomach, even after the smallest bites. I’m on keto diet since 1 month, so i avoid carbs and sugars since a while.

My metabolism has been fixed after some weeks on keto, these troubles now developed after my crash on tribulus.

Question*: did anybody suffered growling stomach and slowed metabolism, and is it a temporary thing? If you managed to tackle this, do you have any suggestion?*

Thx mates

For me, I remember my stomach always growling when I was normal, and with high metabolism.

You could try digestive enzymes and colon cleansing- I bought powdered “Super Colon Cleanse” from vitamin shoppe. Natural and works well.

Thank you @Vvs1 ! So growling noise would indicate a rather more active metabolism? The supplements you described have no hormonal or androgenous enzyme interaction right? (I wont take such ever again :grin: )

Nobody with this shit? I think its the high E2 i have, with low free T-s. I’d be pleased to read any experienced mates who cured of this.