Anybody else have these symptoms?


Checking to see if anyone has these symptoms:

Yellowish tint to palms and soles of feet

Sometimes (but not always) cold palms and soles

Periods of really bad circulation to hands and feet, hands keep falling asleep during sleep

I went to the doctor already about the yellow hands and feet, he did a blood test and according to him nothing about the liver function or anything else was abnormal, but my TSH was 2.95, up from 1.05 and 1.5 previously

I was sure that my symptoms were hypothyroid in nature, but my doctor disagreed

anyone else have these symptoms?

Jaundice? Could be a Thyroid issue

When I was in school a few months after succumbing to PFS, I would cross my legs and have my legs go to sleep on me very easily. Definitely something that never happened so easily in the past. I also have noticed poor circulation. My feet are often very pale and yes, a bit yellow. I feel like circulation and heart rate have changed since all of this. I seem to be the only one (that I know of anyways) who has noticed a very static heart rate with PFS. Honestly, it seems borderline bradycardia sometimes.

I went to the doctor thinking it was jaundice, but he checked everything related to liver function, like bilirubin, and said it all came back normal

searching on the internet, i saw yellowish hands and feet (but NOT eyeballs) and coldness of the extremities can be hypothyroid, but that doctor was not convinced.

Also, my heart rate is a low lower than it used to be, hovering around 60

I think there is definitely a bloodflow problem, at least for me

I have sometimes intense pain in the liver area but bloodtests and ultrasounds have shown nothing significant. A few others have this along with bloating and not being able to eat much… so yes it is possibly related.

I have all of these. My TSH has been .45, .56 and .65. While I was on the shit (saw palmetto) it was around 1.04. I have bad muscle cramps,cold hands and feet and constant pins and needles. May God put people in hell fire who introduced propecia and Saw Palmetto to us.

I feel my side effects are more of a disconnect between my brain and my entire body…

While I feel physical sensation, it’s not the same as before. The sexual sides are just the most embarrassing, but for me the disconnectI only realized this when I had a very temporary recovery. It was almost like there is an anaesthetic throughout the entire body, or maybe just lack of bloodflow everywhere.

Can anyone else relate to this, or is it just sexual symptoms for all of you?

Yeah my hands and feet go to sleep very easily but I think I have had this to some extent my whole life. It’s hard to say if PFS has exaggerated the symptoms or not. Physically I’m a wreck, I never feel “on” so to speak. I feel lethargic all the time.