Hey guys,
I’m quiet early to this, with having pfs for around 2 months. I had fluctuations daily during the first month, which gave me hope, but now I’ve stabilized to a low baseline. My ability to focus and think have been tanked. Maybe due to the anxiety induced. I don’t know whether this is considered brain fog. Anhedonia also has been mild.
This is along with mild physical and sexual symptoms.
However, I have to begin university in a month, and I don’t feel like I’ve made any progress mentally to be able to handle uni. Was wondering whether there are any medications that can help with atleast focus.
I’ve heard people use adderall, bupropion, Mirtazapine or Agomelatonin to help improve anxiety and focus. Is it too risky to try these? And have people actually benefited from them?
Also are there any diets that may have helped. I’ve noticed every time I have a heavy meal, I’m in a better mood for around 2 hours after.
I have previously used SSRI and SNRI which did help me quiet alot (around 2 years ago). But I learnt that I have to avoid them after getting pfs
I have a high intolerance to any work out regiment. Even jogging seems to cause me to go through a crash.