Any suggestions for treatment

Hi there,

Had PFS since October 2022 after only 4 pills I noticed symptoms. Only sexual sides thankfully, as I see others here struggle with much worse. The sides have not improved at all.

My testosterone level, via blood test, is below the lower end of the normal range. Used to be in a healthy range prior to the finasteride.

Tried Chinese herbs and acupuncture, seemed to help maybe 10%, but after taking a break from it due to moving, the positive effects also stopped.

I’m going to eat a healthier diet, start endurance and strength training exercise, take vitamins D and B12 vitamins, amino acids. Get a few hours a week of decent sun exposure. Get more sleep.

As for therapy, I’m not sure what to explore. I recently visited a urologist who has suggested hcg, Shockwave therapy, prp… all treatments that in my mind, don’t feel logical for my situation.

It’s stressing me out, if like to overcome this PFS if I can, just not sure how to tackle this problem. Again, it is only sexual sides (ED, morning erections, shrinkage)

Thanks for reading

hormone therapy could help if your test is below the lower end of the normal range. If I were you, I’d start with low dose daily cialis, testosterone therapy (hcg), lifting weights and losing fat if you’re overweight, as it drastically reduces t levels. Be careful with multivitamins if you’re planning on taking them, as they could include 5ari’s such as saw palmetto… I think that you have a very good chance of recovery since your symptoms aren’t very severe. Good luck!

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Hi Vanquish,

Thanks for your response. Wish you the best with your healing journey.

Hi, I have been pleased with B12 treatment for many years. Only, I need to use transdermal B12 to get any benefit. I don’t see any results from other methods. I’ve tried pills format, and subcutaneous injections (using a fine needle, in sterile conditions, injecting into a fatty area). Strangely, the subcutaneous injections didn’t have much effect. Only the transdermal format. The transdermal is a spray that you just spritz onto clean skin, then massage it in.

It has good effects for overall energy levels, for me.

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hey pete

I have taken B12 supplyment for many years too. Not for the purpose of treatment of PFS, but for the purpose of repairing nerve dameges caused by another accident.

What do you think B12 brings the benefit? Do you have any theory?

I’d love to take B12 as mine is 288 on a scale of 200-1000

But I’m afraid to with what I’ve heard on here about it

B12 is linked as a ‘scavenger of nitric oxide’. There is info that high levels of nitric oxide are linked with fatigue and similar problems.

The Dr Sarah Myhill website was where I first read about B12:

There is a section there with links to studies: “General mechanism by which B12 relieves the symptoms of CFS.”

I was never diagnosed with ‘chronic fatigue’. However I certainly had low energy levels and “brain fog”. So, I tried B12 and found it gives improvements to these, and to libido.

The effects reach a peak after a while. After looking into it, once your B12 levels are high, they only deplete gradually. So, I am not concerned that the effects plateau and the benefits seem constant. I just top up with the transdermal spray here and there, based on how I feel. I’ve had blood tests done and it says I have high B12, however I am ok with this. From what I read it is not a problem if it is high. The bigger problem becomes spending money unnecessarily on the supplements.

Myhill has books on Amazon if you want to read outside her website.

Hi Pete,

How are you sexual side effects since taking finasteride? Whats helped? How has it been since plateauing on B12?

I’m very desperate about improving my symptoms, I just don’t know where to begin. I’m thinking b12.

I have a suggestion for you.

Be cautious who you inform of any diet plans, with it possibly being better that you keep it a secret. I was excited and thought everyone around me would be proud of me when I mentioned a diet change to better myself. I thought everyone would be happy seeing me take initiative. In truth, very few were genuinely happy and supportive. Instead, most seemed offended as if my actions were somehow judging their actions or lack thereof. Not only that, many would intentionally bring me out of bounds foods knowing it is not legal for my diet. That is no better than buying alcohol for a recovering drunkard or cigarettes for a smoker wanting to quit. Despite physical issues I had all my life visibly vanishing, it was as if they did not want to see it. Deep down, they felt confronted because they knew they could and should be doing better for themselves.

He used accutane instead of finasteride.

If anything, accutane is probably more risky than finasteride because it also has retinoid actions while finasteride does not.

I used saw palmetto. I posted about my sexual situation here, in case you are interested:


Pretty good, all things considered.

By ‘plateau’ - I need to be clear that I believe I am still getting benefits from the B12. It just hit a ceiling in terms of new benefits. My understanding is that the levels do not recede quickly. So, I just keep it topped up.

The treatments that are helping me. I use them all at the same time, except where specified:

  • B12 transdermal spray. For some resaon other forms of B12 don’t do much.
  • Magnesium citrate. Amazing for sleep. No other types of magnesium does anything.
  • Cialis. Sildenafil doesn’t do anything.
  • Vitamin D supplementation using a medical-grade sunlamp imported from the US. Very careful not to use on face because skin there is sensitive.
  • Helminthic worms (HDC) which grow in the intestine. Buy from a laboratory. Used for anti-inflammation.
  • Pelvic floor relaxation. The book ‘A Headache in the Pelvis’ explains it, by David Wise. It is the opposite of kegels. Found major improvements in orgasm quality from this.
  • PT-141 / bremelanotide very occassionally.
  • Hyperbarric oxygen tank therapy. Don’t have access to one currently, but I benefited at the time.
  • Low carbohydrate diet.
  • Basic exercise, cardio, bodyweight resistance exercise.
  • Removed any amalgam / mercury fillings using a competent dentist.

I realise some of that sounds “woo woo”. I don’t care. If it works, that’s all I care about. Log what you are doing, so you know what is working or not.

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Hi Taw,

Would you have a member story I could read about, so I can see what you did to have improved your situation?

I will definitely be implementing the Vitamins d, b12, sunlight, exercises, and the pelvic floor exercises you’ve mentioned above, thank you

It’s so on point and it’s also so ridiculous that it’s funny.

I had an amazing diet routine going for the final 2-3 months of last year and I was visably looking super healthy. My brain was working better than ever and skin was glowing.

Come Christmas I allowed one day off…but that’s not good enough for everyone else. I get invited around many times, each week I get given McDonalds and before you know it I’ve gained some weight, look shit and I feel some habit forming around fast food.

Logic doesn’t fit everyone else as well. One old family member would nod his head if you say about wheats / grains been bad “aye aye very bad”… and the next thing at the cafe they make you guilty for not having toast like it’s unhealthy to say no. I think religion involving bread is his logic.

So I agree say nothing. If you say anything then say about what you had on a cheat day or just lie.

I’m fixing it all again and it’s so much harder than maintaining.