Any HRT for brain fog success ?


I’ve been off finasteride for over 2 years now. Only thing that improved after stopping was
my libido and erections. These are now back to normal.

However I still suffer from very severe brain fog & IBS. Has HRT ever permanently fixed brain fog ?

Given that my libido and erections work like before, is HRT useless for me as my hormone levels
probably aren’t that bad ?

Consider yourself lucky w the libido department.

I have been able to get rid of 95% of brain fog. I take aorund 30mg of cortef daily + ndt. The cortef is really what helps get rid of brain fog.

In addition, I notice that if I am in bed by 10pm and awake before 6:30am, I am able to keep brain fog away most of the time.

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Interesting… I think am gonna look into that

How long after stopping finasteride did you start taking cortef ?
Where you somewhat recovered (or less bad) when you started taking it ?
How long did you take before it started to work ?

Is it like only a few days in the week that you still have brain fog ?

And finally where did you get it ? Was it prescribed by a doctor ?
If so, did he know about PFS ?

Sorry for the question bombardment, am just curious on this… :slight_smile:

I find going to bed in time & relaxed, not in a rushed state like :
“Shit I’ve only got 6 hours sleep left” Helps.
Then only light meals through the day can help aswell

Been looking into Oxytocine (nasal spray), as it should stimulate 5-AR activity