Hi I live in Vancouver BC, Canada I was wondering can anyone recommend a good endo ? Thanks in advance.
I’ve noticed the Doctors part of the “Doctors & Lawyers” section is pretty much non-existent. Maybe everyone could list all the doctors they’ve seen, what type, location and how they would rate them. Maybe the post’s subject could indicate the state/states they’re from to make it easy to browse.
It’s not only good to know which Doctors are recommended, but it’s probably beneficial to see the same doctors when possible.
RK That is a fantastic idea!!!
We have to find a way to help ourselves and this would help tremendously. And if we find the few doctors who could help us it in turn would be a great practice builder for them and other doctors from different parts of the country could consult with them.
I also live in Vancouver, BC and am trying to find one who will just listen instead of just dismissing any notion that an FDA approved drug could possibly cause any problems. They're almost angry when you say that it could do this kind of damage. If every profession was as brainwashed as most specialists, we would be a pretty scary society.