Any comments on naloxone?

Hi everybody,

just saw an article on primordial performance about preventing desensitation of the HPA axis during steroid cycles by applying naloxone.
Its not directly a post cycle treatment but why not giving it a try? I think opioids/anti-opioids do have an impact. I remember using tramdol a year ago becaus of back pain and it had some effects on libido(down) and erection quality (up). … html?id=42


Wondering if anyone has used this as it has been successful in treating depersonalization disorders.

There is a thread on this already (Depersonalizationdisorder). This is exactly what i have.

I used it for just under a month and felt slightly better but it was hard to tell. Like most supplements, you would have to give this medicine at least 6 months - 1 year to see whether it has any effect.

For anyone that does want to try it; you buy the 50 mg tablets, dissolve them in 50 ml of distilled water, store in the fridge and then use a ml syringe to measure out 4.5 mg/ ml doses.

No it is not the same thing. You used Naltrexone, this is naloxone. They are both opioid antagonists but they are different.
The above study cites naloxone.

why no body has tried naloxone?

Opioids decrease LH while opiate antagonists (eg, naloxone hydrochloride) increase these hormone levels

Morphine (1.0 mg/kg) and DADLE (10.0 μg/kg) decreased androgen levels by 70% and 34%, respectively. Significant decreases occurred 80 minutes after drug injections, and levels remained depressed for 180 minutes; β‐endorphin (20 μg/kg) produced no effect on androgen levels. Treatment with naloxone (0.5 mg/kg‐2.0 mg/kg) alone produced marked increases in androgen levels. Peak hormone levels occurred 80 minutes after naloxone administration and remained elevated for up to 2 hours. The depressant effects of morphine and DADLE on androgen levels were completely reversed by the administration of naloxone (1.0 mg/kg).

Chronic treatment with naloxone
enhances libido in the male goat
during anoestrus

Because raising hormones, for most people has no impact/negative impact. Unfortunately PFS is a lot more complicated than that.

Naloxone does not raise hormones. It clears up receptors.

It depends on the mechanism how you are raising T level. I have used Androgel and clomid and both gave me bad experience. Androgel in the beginning improved my condition but soon my body was filled with water and I put up many pounds and was unable to move easily. Clomid gave me more or less the same effects. Then I started using vitamin D, and it was a game changer for me. I improved a lot.I have got a lot better now. Vitmaind D gave my muscles back and raised T level at the same time without any negative effects. The issue is Vit D effects are not stable, As soon as I stop or lower the dose, pfs comes back. I have been on Vit D for may years now, and can do daily activities with ease,

has anybody tried naloxone shots?