Any chance of getting my penis back?

After taking saw palmetto for 5-6 months i have become completely impotent. One week ago I could still get great erections, but suddenly and overnight since saturday there’s no feeling anymore. Like there’s no connection between the penis and the brain. This scares the living shit out of me since i’m only 20 years old. Any chance i will ever have feeling in my penis again if i’m completely impotent right now?

Thanks for advice

I am waiting on the same ‘hope’ that oneday things will be back to normal aswel, I just joined this site. I took saw palmetto for only 1.5 months and felt the detatchment you mentioned whilst in the last week of this supplement. anal spasms. lower abdomin pains, lower back ache. complete genital numbness , testicle aches . no libido.girth shrinkage. no morning wood. ect ,ect. I believe saw palmetto is all the same a finasteride/propecia, just has less documented studies on it. If you want more info, private message me.

Why did you take saw palmetto if you had problems with finasteride? Your original posts say you took finasteride for 2 weeks right?

Sometimes I live somthing like that, for a period of 3 days. The most of time i have problems with erection, but I can see my penis can answer, and try an erection. An other days, i can get a good an very satisfactory erection.
I try to say, i live periods when i see the same like you. And periods when i get my penis back to normal.
So, i think is posible you can recover your erection, but is posible too you have a new “crash”, whit 0 libido.

There’s every chance you could recover, people get better in different ways and at different times. You are still young and have as good a chance as anyone to recover.