
I want to write about my experience with Propecia and anxiety. I’m a long time user, I think 12 years total, been off for just over a month. I was a blind user till this year when I started experiencing some mild sexual side effects, did some research, saw the mounting evidence and just got off cold turkey. So far so good in that department, but what really shocked me was that my anxiety level has decreased dramatically. I’m hoping this does not reverse, and if it does not, then Propecia drastically increased my anxiety level. About four months after I started taking Propecia, way back in 2000, I started to become more and more anxious. I attributed this to my getting out of college and not knowing what to do w my life. I also had had a couple of anxiety attacks in college after nights of heavy drinking, and assumed that my anxiety was directly linked to my lifestyle habits. I would start to notice my heartbeat, became hyperchondriacal, would worry constantly, and get easily distracted. This culminated with several anxiety attacks throughout my early twenties. I just basically got used to the fact that I had become an anxious person, though I was not at all like this growing up, in high school or in college. I went to a cognitive therapist and learned techniques for dealing w my anxiety, learned yoga and breathing exercises, and moderated my intake of alcohol and caffeine( all good things I guess). But because the drug was so new back then, and because my doctor said it was “harmless” I never ever associated Propecia with my rising anxiety. I’ll skip all the details but they involve at least seven panic attacks and many more longer periods of constant low and high grade anxiety. Once I got off within a week I noticed I was more relaxed. My normal routine of getting really anxious if I hadn’t eaten in a while was replaced by mild irritability. Hangovers, which had become insufferable, not because of headaches or nausea, but because of high anxiety, now feel like they used to( a long time ago!) I’m only a month out so I’m very interested in hearing other people’s stories, both on and off the drug, and how they have either recovered or not recovered from anxiety.

Yes, anxiety is a common unlisted symptom for many.

Finasteride blocks more than just DHT, it also inhibits neurosteroids in the brain and in doing so, interferes with functioning of the GABAergic system (GABA-A receptors).

See pg 3 for diagram: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=202

One of those neurosteroids is THDOC, a metabolite of cortisol. Inhibiting THDOC can lead to increased anxiety, blunted stress response and even seizures. There are many studies on this, review the Finasteride Studies section for more info.

Inhibition of Allopregnanolone is implicated in cognitive deficits, depression, memory impairment and mood disorders. Allopregnanolone is also what gives you a buzz from drinking alcohol, so when you inhibit Allopregnanolone with Finasteride, you don’t feel drunk.


Glad you are feeling better off the drug.

Hi Oldbridge,

Yes, anxiety increased for me also while on finasteride.

I started taking the stuff when I was 23 and for me the real bad mental symptoms did not kick in until about 10 months ago. Started with memory lapses, brain fog, nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks and eventually depression. Before the symptoms started, I was never an anxious or nervous person, no family history either, so it was definitely weird.

The depression was mild, but it was caused by the feelings I was experiencing. Just like you, I went to a bunch of doctors, they told me stress is causing the anxiety, that its all in my head, but I could not believe this…it was not me!

So, after weaning myself of the drug, in a matter of about a week, the anxiety started to really subside. I can still feel it come on a little, but for the most part it has greatly reduced.

As Mew stated, finasteride messes with a lot of stuff in our brains, so after learning about what is does, I was not surprised that the stuff was causing the symptoms.

Take care,


Anxiety is something I’ve dealt with for a few years and I only really recently linked it to my Propecia usage.

One very distinct experience I remember is that before I started Propecia I auditioned for a singing competition (I’m a musician) and I did well and was nervous but it was certainly manageable and I felt like I did well and was in control. Shortly after I started Propecia. The next year I auditioned again for the same competition and I almost melted with anxiety going in. I had no control. It was awful.

I can’t say for sure its related, but considering the timeline of events it makes sense that this was the case.

I’m up for any and all suggestions as far as tackling panic disorder/extreme sensitivity to stress go. I’ve been off P for over a year, and while I’ve made solid strides in my cognitive abilities, my body feels extremely anxious 24/7 and minor stress (like going grocery shopping) remains nearly crippling. At this point, I haven’t been able to work in over a year, and with as bad as the economy is, there aren’t any menial jobs available (which due to constant stress response, they would be difficult yet anyways).

Things I’ve tried:

Fasting - I was at my worst when I tried this, and it didn’t produce any real results.
Raw food diet - I was able to maintain this diet for just over a month, but didn’t see any changes. Plus, I lost 8 lbs, which dropped me to to ~3% body fat, so needless to say, I looked effin’ awful. I’m too lean to support either fasting or raw food again and neither diet provides enough energy for me to be able to workout consistently. I eat very healthy foods, but can’t manage raw food with the speed of my metabolism, current level of body fat, and need to go to the gym.

Weights - I’ve been a gym rat for years, and luckily I don’t have any muscle wastage going on, though I did lose a good deal of muscle in the month or two right after quitting P. If nothing else, returning to the gym on a regular schedule has helped me maintain some sanity and gave me some semblance of normal routine.
Running - During my last year on P and for the first 9 months off, running anymore than a few minutes was out of the question as it caused me to break out in some sort of rash. I suspect that somehow the rash was related to a stress response/nervous system being overtaxed. As my symptoms have improved, this problem has disappeared, and I’m able to go on runs again. Running seems to help more than anything else at this point, but it’s no quick fix.
Meditation - Seems to help; have been doing this 3 or 4 times a week, but once again, no major progress since I started 3 months ago.

Supplements and Meds
Pregnenolone - No luck and crushed any chance of boners. I gave it a week at varying doses with no success. Actually, as I’ve done more research, I think for me, increasing pregnenolone is counterproductive as it can increase estrogen and cortisol. I had poor estradiol levels that have now recovered. As for cortisol, increasing cortisol is akin to increasing your bodies stress response. Prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol damages the hippocampus and can cause long-term stress response issues. I’ve actually considered dosing DHEA, as people with anxiety disorder/depression often exhibit higher than normal cortisol:DHEA ratios.
Creatine - Gave me a slight bump over a six week cycle, but was still so f***ed up at the time, the difference didn’t mean anything.
Gabapentin - Was on a very low dose, probably not even enough to be therapeutic, so I don’t really know if this would help me at a more typically prescribed level.
Magnesium Citrate - Has been shown to increase serotonin and magnesium levels have been shown to be low in many depressed/anxious patients. Picked citrate over magnesium oxide as it has higher bioavailability and less chance for abdominal cramping/getting the shits. Six weeks in, I think this may be providing some light relief.
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate - Shown to increase androgen receptor sensitivity, increase LH production. No help in terms of anxiety and stress issues, but didn’t see any negative effects.
Vitamin D - Ehh. Maybe it’s helping keep my bones strong.
Fish Oil - Pretty much the same as Vit D - nothing noticeable.
Beta Blocker - Currently on an Rx for a beta blocker, and it may be helping somewhat (only been on it for a few days). I’m going to need more time before evaluating it’s efficacy.

Everything I’ve tried, I’ve tried independently (less Vit D) of all other supplements/meds for at least a 4 week period at some point. Nothing up to this point has provided major relief of bodily anxiety and significant reactions to minor stresses. I am open to any and all ideas, preferably ones with some scientific basis (except leaky gut, I’m desperate, but not delusional). SSRIs, Benzos, holistic medicine, sex with animals, all on the board. Sex with animals has to come with a 100% money back guarantee. Like I said, I’ve improved with time, but I can’t wait any longer to not take chances that have the possibility of providing significant progress. Any comments, insights, and offerings are welcome. For anyone who has an in interest in discussing neuro/psychiatric effects of P further, feel free to PM me.

Your experience is very similar to mine. I started using generic Propecia around 2003, and I’m pretty sure I’d have a lot less hair today had I not taken it. I’m not sure exactly when my anxiety started, but I’d say it’s been no more than a year or so. It’s gotten really severe over the last 6 to 8 months. I actually have found myself moaning at times. Looking back over the entire time I’ve taken it, I was mostly very positive and confident -overwhelming happy and positive about everything. Not much worry at all. Makes we wonder now if my ultra-positive time periods were also related to taking this drug. It’s strange to me how quickly this depressive anxiety came over me. Maybe it’s related to age? I am 53 years old now. Never had any sexual problems at all.

Brain fog has also been a problem. That’s probably been going on longer and I just didn’t make the connection. Your example of getting confused at the grocery store is a good one. It’s like trying to sort out where everything is in the store is overwhelming. Getting confused very easily, not understanding the flow of a conversation. I am a musician, and I forget songs that I’ve recently learned. I don’t forget how to play them, but I forget the melodies and patterns. I have to keep a set of earphones in my guitar case and listen to many songs just before I play them in order to remember how they go. Inability to make decisions is also a big problem. The brain fog and anxiety is the worst.

I’ve always bought my finastride on the internet from overseas pharmacies. Are there any studies that side effects are more prevalent with the generic versions? Could these overseas factories be part of the problem due to lesser regulations on the manufacture of the drug?


Most of the guys with issues took brand name Propecia, because it is the most prescribed and marketed hair loss drug. That said, there are also men who took generics and also experienced issues.

This issue has to do with Finasteride itself, not the brand or manufacturer.

Guys I recently went to the emergency room twice in one week, worrying about my symptoms, such as chest pain (extend to left arm), burning heart feeling (not heart burn), hard to breath (like someone/thing pressed on my chest), fast heart rate…

ER doctor did multiple blood works, chest x-ray, stressed ECG, ECGs and found nothing… I was desperate and go to see a doctor (I was out of town so could see my family doctor), I was told I had panic attack or anxiety. However my last one lasted for almost 1 week! I couldn’t focus on things!

I would like to ask about the time line. All these heart attack, or panic attack, or anxiety symptoms started about 2 months ago. Please see my timeline and see whether it make sense:

April 2012, I started Proscar 5mg, cut into 1/4 tablet
September 2012, started 1st round of symptoms, family doctor thinks I have stomach problem
October 2012, 2nd time, ECG done, nothing wrong
November 2012, 3rd & 4th time, stressed ECG, chest x-ray, blood works done, nothing wrong
Today: I still have the symptoms. I ran into this forum and decided to stop it.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd time were just with physical discomfort, symptoms lasted for about 12 hours.

The 4th time were physical discomfort, hard to breath plus dizziness, also I have to pay extra attention to little things that I’m doing, including walking and breathing!

I just wanted to ask you guys, does my timeline make sense?

Yes these are ALL typical of finasteride use/discontinuation. Its even more common that after all the testing you have done, NOTHING shows up. Stay calm, I believe your body is probably responding hormonally and that is causing all the problems. I was waking up in the middle of the night with racing heart and palpitations which have lessened over the last few months. My advice, stay calm and try to relax.

BTW, have you experienced any other side effects?

Heart palpitations are something that have not changed for me at all since going off the drug. I constantly feel my heart beating fast when I am not moving. Going on 3 years off the drug and this remains the same. As far as anxiety goes, I am trying herbal supplements, and Calm Magnesium powder which will hopefully help. Exercise is big as far as stress goes, aerobic exercise, running, lifting weights. I am also on a Paleo diet. But the consistency of the anxiety remains, and it is frustrating that many people in my life assume it is psychological, when it clearly appears to be a physical response. It is not anxiety that comes and goes for me, rather my body seems to be in a heightened state 24/7.

I read online that the chronic anxiety can affect how your penis retracts and becomes more rigid, and the suggested taking xanax, or another benzodiazepine to help with this. I took half a xanax a night for two weeks and it helped with sleep and I did actually notice my penis wasn’t retracting toward my body as much and was hanging looser like it used to. But, do not want to continue with the xanax as it can form a mental addiction, and don’t like the idea of this.

Sleep is another area effected by chronic anxiety. I find myself being physically exhausted and overwhelmed from small situations, like I cannot handle too much stimulus or strong personalities. I take melatonin and valerian root at night and drink teas to help fall asleep, I usually cannot fall asleep until late and when I do it is usually for 2-3 hours then I wake up feeling. The sleep I get now is never satisfying or refreshing and no matter what I do, I feel more awake at night than the daytime (even if I didn’t sleep the night before). I also thought exercise would help with sleep but doesn’t seem to be the case, it’s like I have the “awake” feeling at night. The heart palpitations make it difficult to fall asleep at times and then I wake up to my heart pounding also.

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