antidepressants? which are safe?

I have come a long way since the early days, but still bad enough on the misery scale. More on that in a later thread. But life hit me with another F-ed up problem. Depression is through the roof. Offing myself is almost constantly on my mind.

I am currently on Lamitrogene/Lamictal. Helped some but clearly not enough. Any antidepressant that does not make us worse? At this point I don’t mind a decrease in libido, I mean, how much lower can it get? But what I am scared of is all the other symptoms of extreme fatigue, brain fog, genital numbness, inability to maintain erection, low body temp, the whole wreck…

any experiences are much appreciated

Read into tianeptine, an antidepressant that works instantly and hardly has any side effects.

I’ve been on low-dose Effexor and it helps. By low-dose, I mean 75 mg. If you go higher than that, you’ll risk sides.