Antibiotics and post-drug diseases

Look at the state of this guy. How the hell is this continuing with no ackowledgement let alone accountability., the suffering being meated out in the name of Medicine is unspeakable.

If this conditions would be daedly the poisons Finasterid, Floxacin, Accetuane, Citalopram, Mirtazapin, Sertralin would be out of the market for years, for decades.

So there is not even a clear black box warning about the permanent side effects on the leaflet of this perverted drugs, only because the almighty pharma war machine has no interest in and pharma lobby treated politicians don’t care about it

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Another “we can’t treat it, good luck” story.


And when ever I see such horrible stories I feel it’s an outlook to our own future. Unbilivible, a 26 year old guy with a little child.
So lucky that our staff still fighting for awareness, research and a therapy.

I have to fight every day for stand up from bed, to wash myself and not to be a stinking old wreck, to do my basic household that not garbage floats the whole house and these cases make me so fear to end up in such a state once.


Unfortunately I see myself here

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My mum has set up a GoFundMe for private medical care, testing and treatment

Boy are they in for some disappointment.


It’s sad, people think they can throw money at a doctor and get a secret treatment.