Another guy lost his life


He was not in our forum I and he both took finastride same time In December 2018 and quite cold turkey on January 2019 yesterday he committed suicide he was suffering from insomnia and anxiety

Did he go by a particular name on another forum that you are willing to share, or did he wish to remain completely anonymous?

Man that is sad, RIP. So he had no sexual sides just mental? His anxiety may have improved with time, mine did I no longer have anxiety or panic attacks. That’s very sad it seems like he was in the infancy of his crash he may have improved with more time.

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He was very shy to participate in any forum I know him personally that’s why I share the story his family abusing me for the whole mess and I recommend him to take finastride

That is crazy so you knew him and you both crashed? What are the odds of that happening! How old was he?

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He was 21 years of age

Hi @vik1990, I am so sorry to hear. Did he visit a clinician and report his symptoms? If you have a familial contact I am able to let the foundation and a professor writing a publication on known PFS suicides know so they can reach out. Feel free to send me a PM if so.


His family is very sad and angry they are in no position to talk right now

Goddamn it. That is so tragic. Insomnia is the worst symptom, bar none. It is one of the biggest independent predictors of suicide attempt, but especially when combined with mental disorders. I hope his family will find peace.


Understandably. I didn’t mean this minute - the offer is there as and when if they would like. I know from personal contact that it helps some family members to know their loss won’t be dismissed and forgotten.

Our best wishes to them


I feel guilty for him because I recommend finastride to him god won’t forgive me I am also suffering from same finastride side

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its not your fault. you couldnt have known it when even doctors dont know it and people like dr.trueb think we are just mental ill people and the drug is perfectly safe … then every dermatologist and psychologist would go to hell for the recommendations and prescriptions of fin, accutane and antidepressants they give


This is very sad. Don’t ever blame yourself vik. There’s no way you could have seen this coming. How can this condition possibly be so rare when some of us know people IRL who were affected.


This is extremely sad news. This poor guy had so much to live for and is now gone because a Corporation put profits over lives. I had a look at those Merck executives on their website all looking rich and very pleased with themselves. They live in different worlds to us.

PFS is such a lonely condition because modern medicine seems unable to detect it and Dr’s don’t believe us. For a young guy at 21 that must be very frightening. I am trying to post more on mental health in the hope that it will help bring awareness to the young guys who are struggling and confused.

We can pay our condolences at times like this but I think as a community we can be doing more on mental health. Perhaps we should hold a mental health day every so often were we each post one thing on mental health to help raise awareness.


These are the true pieces of shit of this world. All of this anger and hatred toward foreigners, people of different races, different genders, different religions, different familial backgrounds, different economic status, and professional liars are adulated instead of being treated as the world’s greatest evil.

They might as well have killed this kid in cold blood as far as I’m concerned.


It just so happens that I know two people that have PFS. One for 15 years and the other for approximately 4. Both have improved significantly but are not 100 percent. This condition is not as rare as we are led to believe…


I know of 4 people IRL who likely suffer from this.

One was an ex of an ex who she said was the only other guy she was ever with who ever had trouble getting it up, and he took Accutane at 14.

One was an acquaintance of the ex wife who told her that her boyfriend had something similar to what happened to me, with severe depression after taking an SSRI for anxiety and transient (according to her) ED.

Had a coworker who was prescribed an SSRI (IIRC Prozac) who hung his head low and said things “weren’t quite the same” after he told me he was on an antidepressant over layoff and I mentioned some people have permanent dick problems after taking an SSRI. He knew I had problems with Accutane, but I never really described the severity of sexual side effects to coworkers.

I remember another coworker from long ago coming back to work after being gone for a time and he was freaking out something about “I can’t even fuck my wife anymore”, “the doctor said it was only supposed to be a temporary side effect” . Also overheard him talking with another coworker about filing a lawsuit around the same time. I don’t know much about how to describe MPB, but he only had a “crown” of hair left around his ears, wrapping around the back of his head, so assuming it was finasteride that did this to him. This was 17-18 years ago, but something like that stuck in my memory because it sounded a bit like what happened to me.

Not making one word of this up and I can understand how something like this can go under the radar because people are so reluctant to talk about it, doctors often won’t acknowledge it, and it is something people often must piece together for themselves.

Even if this is a rare condition, if 1/1,000 has “at least” a mild form of PFS/PSSD/PAS, then you probably walk past another one of us everyday. That’s how I look at it.

And this isn’t taking into consideration other people I know of who were damaged by prescription drugs in other ways. A girl who shit and vomited blood for a couple years after Accutane. My sister and ex, who both had their gallbladders removed within a month of starting Yaz and a young girl who my sister was friends with who died from a blood clot a week before her wedding and within a month of starting Yaz. I have a good friend who had persistent issues from Saw Palmetto and Accutane, then was damaged by a cosmetic laser surgery and is now dealing with the same shit of doctors not acknowledging that some forms of laser surgery can trigger unchecked apoptosis that leaves scars and lumpy skin.

I tend to shy away from people who call conventional medicine barbaric in defense of the purported safety and efficacy of alternative medicine, but can’t say their wrong in making that generalization.

Half of this shit ruining people’s lives isn’t even lifesaving.


A miserable statement.

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A miserable statement about a miserable industry.

Lying about safety for the sake of pushing drugs must be one of the most harmful of villainous enterprises in modern times. It’s so easy to get away with because it’s so hard to prove.

Please let me trade this miserable life in exchange for getting ripped-off on volcano insurance instead.

@vik1990, have you heard anything recently from the family of the victim you were acquainted with?
I hope you have left any guilt over what a pharmaceutical company did to this guy behind you.