Another doctor refuting persistent side effects of finasteride

“Yes, there aren’t any long-term health problems associated with taking Propecia”

EDIT: Video was taken down by the good doctor after forum member @Frustrated contacted her concerning PFS and long-term side effects.

Her considering the validity of our condition is appreciated.


Not sure if she’s just incredibly dumb, or a shrewd business woman in doctors disguise. Looks like someone commented her video.


I think just incredibly uncredible. Bellowing hot air when the risk of persistent side effects is mandated to be listed in the drug info.

She should be liable for malpractice for so clearly stating misinformation.

I don’t see any comments, could she have deleted it?


She seems to have set her comments for review. Slimy.


I saw that video a while ago she deleted all the negative comments about Proepcia so she is obviously promoting the drug.

New Zealand happens to be one of very few countries in the world were drugs can be marketed direct to consumers. It wouldn’t surprise me if shes on Mercks payroll.


She also promotes Dutasteride.

“Doctors” who promote Propecia knowing the damage it can do are the scum of the earth.


Someone should really do something about them.

Dermatology as a profession is a stinking cesspool IMO. They love Accutane and Propecia with all their hearts. Hate their patients. Love their patient’s money.

Is there any law in NZ preventing doctors from taking kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies?


It seems Doctors in New Zealand are allowed to accept “gifts” from pharmaceutical companies.


Propecia has been off patent for years in the US and probably in New Zealand too so they can’t really make money off it. This is most likely just her side hustle.

To be clear I am super pissed out what Merck has done with Propecia and other drugs as well, but they aren’t secretly behind every Propecia supporter or PFS denier. Some PFS deniers form their strong views in reaction to PFS patients suggesting unprovable conspiracy theories. We don’t need any more deniers.

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I did post bad comment under that dutasteride video, ignorant bitch! Shame the comments of the other video are disabled :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well there always will be a deniers as long as we have, let’s say 20% affected by these drugs and 80% with no side effects whatsoever… We have realy good saying about this in my country… The fed guy does not believe the hungry one.

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Extra stupid and zero morality.

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Devil’s advocate - is it possible she’s never had a patient with side effects?

Two words ignorent bitch


I don’t think its a conspiracy theory when you have people promoting name brand Propecia who delete negative comments about the drug.

They are obviously making money from the drug.

Even Spencer Kobren admitted that his bald truth show was “sponsored by Merck”.

So don’t be surprised if Merck “sponsor” other people who promote name brand Propecia.


They gave him a sponsorship many years ago when there was only name brand Propecia. Once generic drugs came out, which began in 2013, the price of the name brand drops significantly in order to compete and they lose significant market share. They stopped reporting their sales publicly in 2016 after they had already been cut in half.

She has enough economic reason to want to suppress negative reviews on her own. She wants to sell this junk on her own and of course she would want people to write negative reviews deterring potential customers.

What you are saying is still a conspiracy theory until you have any evidence. If you want to know, then go ask her. She is less likely to lie about it if you ask her directly. She might even be legally required to disclose in NZ. But you harm the credibility of this community by suggesting these things without any evidence.

@Frustrated, there are far worse things harming the credibility of this patient community.

Is it that unreasonable to suggest she could be receiving gifts, whatever those may be, from Merck in exchange for pushing name brand Propecia?

An instance of this occurring has already been pointed out with the Bald Truth schmuck.

Unless the profit margin of name brands drop to zero after the patent is up and we aren’t aware of it?


ps- “Finasteride can effect the fertility of men who already have fertility issues” - Another gem from the fine doctor.

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Profits don’t go to zero in the US once generics are released but sales were down 50% by 2016 and have likely continued to fall significantly since then. They stopped reporting the specific sales numbers because they were no longer material to their overall business.

These major drug companies really stop caring about the drugs once they go off patent. Not surprised they sponsored Kobren’s show because he was talking about hair loss specifically, he had a much larger audience, it was during the time when they had the patent, and Kobren was talking about Propecia like it was his water. But they stopped doing that.

Credibility of the community is very important, almost everything. If we want social change we need to attract more people to the cause. Scientists, doctors, regulators, and journalists will be turned off if they see supported accusations, whether or not they’re true. This incompetent woman who has a lame online consultation business with videos on YouTube is just not worth it.

If you did want to influence her, it would be more effective to show her research, the FDA label, articles whatever else is credible and say “there is more to the idea of long term side effects than was discussed in the video. You may want to consider redoing it or reconsidering your position.” When people take the alternative approach of throwing stones and calling her a shill and liar, of course she is going to get defensive and block/delete comments. Being civil can go a long way even though I know how hard it is to do.

These types of ignorant people are going to continue to pop up time and again unless we win on the bigger picture. Protecting credibility is important for that. I get that it feels like the entire system is against us but we just have to be smart about how and where we focus on efforts so they don’t backfire.


You know what; you are right about favoring diplomacy over the knee-jerk reaction of making accusations of collusion and dishonesty. If a doctor wasn’t intentionally being dishonest, it may be perceived by them in the same way that we perceive “psychosomatic, get out of my office!”

Many thanks for emailing her asking her to reconsider her stance on long-term side-effects. I believe in her case, she most likely is aware of the warning of a risk of persistent side effects, or else she wouldn’t have even bothered to mention it. Hope I’m wrong. Please let us know if there is a positive outcome from your attempt at contact with her.

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