Another doctor in denial about PFS

I’m curious if she’s responded in any way to what you sent her. When I said she sounded like a paid shill, in should have emphasized “sounded like”. I can only hope she’s being receptive and not just polite.


The denial of these stupid doctors may push some innocent soul to suicide. I don’t respect any doctor anymore.


She didn’t follow up beyond that and I’m not sure she read it but I don’t know whether she did or not. This could easily be the case even if she was speaking in good faith when she said she would take a look at it.

This initial engagement serves a couple functions. It gets my foot in the door so if anything new comes out I’ll have a chance to send it to her and the message right above says “Thanks I’ll take a look.” Secondly, now she sees there are two pieces of evidence and that increases the chance of successfully persuading her.

Normally she isn’t going to change her mind immediately after reading one article she already seemed to have skimmed and misunderstood. Incrementally sending information over periods of time can increase effectiveness.

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Today my doctor told my father that i need psychiatric help when i told about my Finasteride side effects. I am so fucking pissed off that i am afraid that i would beat them up.


Did you make certain the essential studies on PFS patients (Irwig’s analysis. Melcangi’s neurosteroid study, the DiLoreto overexpression study, and Khera’s study showing penile vascular abnormalities) made it into your doctor’s hands?

You could consider the Reuters expose’ of Merck’s long-time knowledge of persistent side effects a heavy-hitter also.

You can put the info right under their nose, but you can’t make them read it, unfortunately.

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