Another 5AR food added to my avoid list, Green Apples

This morning I woke up with the driest scratchiest eyes that I’ve had in the last couple of years. What did I have before bed last night? a Green apple, something I’ve not eaten in a very very long time. Because I’m mostly carnivore at this point, the effects of 5AR foods are more immediate and noticeable to me.

Very good find. I wonder if someone can make a thread off all of the known 5ar inhibiting foods/supplements. As well as stuff that inhibits binding of androgens to receptors. Would be a great resource.


I read somewhere that progesterone inhibits androgens to bind to the AR.
Curiosly some people here seems to try progesterone for some reason

Very interesting as PFS people generally have higher levels of Progesterone due to the inability to reduce it to 5 alpha progesterone

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I made a long list. If you search my post history you can find it.