Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has had any progress from anyone with anhedonia? To me this is the worse SE. Fish oils help some. Today i bought DHA/EPA Omega 1000. Also bought a bottle of DHEA but I want to be careful with that. Ill just see if it helps. Ive read some adverse affects on DHEA. But I have wellbutrin. I was considering it to get me through the semester with school, but I just read some horrible stories of anhedonia from SSRIs and one girl sounds worse than I am which is hard to believe. Anyways, any improvements in getting back your personality/emotions even if it takes years? Thanks - Brandon
Would it be safe to try all at once:
fish oils(obviously safe)
Dont want to over supplement or anything.
I’d love to know about people’s approaches in tackling anhedonia. It’s the side effect that has hit my sense of self the hardest, although it has gotten much better in the last year.
Yea. I feel like my family is kindof distancing theirselves from me and my mom asked me the other night if i was “with them”. So i decided to tell them whats going on so they dont think I just hate them all or dont care for them. I dont think an antidepressant would help me at this point. Ill try everything else first.
I would highly recommend giving up porn and masturbation completely.
My mood is best after St Johns Wort and all my vitamins including fish oil and B complex. Want to try SAMe but this seems to do the trick for me mentally. Hope it lasts.
This is definitely one of the worst sides. Like you don’t feel doing anything or cannot enjoy even the smallest thing I have extreme anxiety and cannot deal with anything that goes wrong even when I write something incorrect like typing I would easily panic a bit so it might be something similar.
Correct me If I am wrong but you just stopped using the drug right? Would it be wrong to wait a little bit and see if your body recovers from that side effect? Or should we act ASAP?
Yea i stopped 3 months ago. Things are no better, mentally maybe slightly. But that varies through the day. So i dont want any serious medicines, but fish oils and vitamins cant hurt even if i may still recover. Im just going one day at a time though.
Sorry to derail from the thread but what’s the best vitamin against anxiety/palpitations and physical problems caused by Propecia like muscle damage?
I cant speak too much. My muscles have gone to shit. Havent even tried to lift really. But for mental, I went ahead and adapted a little regimine. Quality fish oil, B complex, st johns wort, niacin, ginko biloba, garlic, vit c, probiotics, and apple cider vinegar (some guy on here suggested.) Idk if any of this helps, probably a little. Then just getting myself cleaned up and off to work occupies my mind. But mornings suck. I feel like I get no sleep at night. I am nauseous with anxiety in the AM