What is the opinion on masturbation whether to avoid or partake to enable the best possible conditions in HPA and androgen receptors for a recovery from of all of this. I know my HPA and all of my androgen receptors got disturbed when I took propecia, I’m no scientist but I think they got flipped on their head because of the lack of androgenic activity and the excessive estrogen presence. So from this kind of destruction of all of these receptors and the HPA is it better to masturbate frequently to kind of get the gonads involved with the brain system, I know orgasm and masturbation cause a temp rise of T however is this T rise trumped by a sudden depletion of other benefical chemicals and hormones in the HPA after orgasm.
I remember before I consciously realized the Propecia effects had taken hold, I went a month with out masturbating, a fuckin month and I think that might have worsened things cuz from then on I have no desire at all.
I have a theory that my brain, my hypothalamus, limbic system etc. has been feminized. I did some research on male to female sex changes–and by the way info on these ppl is very pertinent cuz they take propecia and other antiandorgens for their feminization–their brains actually shrunk including the hypothalamus. I took an average of 1.75mg of propecia for over a year along with heavy drinking and heavy smoking. The propecia shutdown the androgens, the drinking created more estrogen and held down the andorgens and the smoking contributed it its own way seeing as though nictotine has direct effects on the hypothalmus and other brain functions.
So, my question again. my brain being where it’s at with the propecia use, acohol and smoking…is masturbating good or bad for repairing it all. It can either delay things by continually resettting the whole system or it can kick it in the ass every time I do it, but I dont know. what are your opinions and experiences?