Androgens and Masturbation

What is the opinion on masturbation whether to avoid or partake to enable the best possible conditions in HPA and androgen receptors for a recovery from of all of this. I know my HPA and all of my androgen receptors got disturbed when I took propecia, I’m no scientist but I think they got flipped on their head because of the lack of androgenic activity and the excessive estrogen presence. So from this kind of destruction of all of these receptors and the HPA is it better to masturbate frequently to kind of get the gonads involved with the brain system, I know orgasm and masturbation cause a temp rise of T however is this T rise trumped by a sudden depletion of other benefical chemicals and hormones in the HPA after orgasm.
I remember before I consciously realized the Propecia effects had taken hold, I went a month with out masturbating, a fuckin month and I think that might have worsened things cuz from then on I have no desire at all.
I have a theory that my brain, my hypothalamus, limbic system etc. has been feminized. I did some research on male to female sex changes–and by the way info on these ppl is very pertinent cuz they take propecia and other antiandorgens for their feminization–their brains actually shrunk including the hypothalamus. I took an average of 1.75mg of propecia for over a year along with heavy drinking and heavy smoking. The propecia shutdown the androgens, the drinking created more estrogen and held down the andorgens and the smoking contributed it its own way seeing as though nictotine has direct effects on the hypothalmus and other brain functions.

So, my question again. my brain being where it’s at with the propecia use, acohol and smoking…is masturbating good or bad for repairing it all. It can either delay things by continually resettting the whole system or it can kick it in the ass every time I do it, but I dont know. what are your opinions and experiences?

If you can do it then go ahead.

I drank a bit too much and probably masturbated too much in the run up to my quit, think the latter didn’t help my testosterone levels.
Dunno bout post-fin but on fin I think too much choking along with bad diet and no exercise was my downfall!


I read in other threads where guys suggest it’s the hypoxia from lack of nocturnal wood that contributes to some of the problems with penile shape and size. Would it help in that regard to masturbate more frequently to increase blood flow to the penis?

Yes. Maintaining bloodflow on a regular basis is important.

Use it or lose it, as they say.

This doesn’t explain why I lost girth and length in like ONE DAY after my crash. I mean I recovered to full erections and horniness for a week and then overnight my cock shrunk, it wasn’t hypoxia from long term deprivation of nocturnals.

I have this immediate shrinkage on and off, usually after too much exercise or masturbating. With me orgasm brings with it the shrinkage. Penis size is controlled by blood flow which is controlled by the brain/hormones. Deprive something and you’ve got shrinkage. Typically men lose their erections after release. Whatever controls them is happening x10 with me. It sucks.

On another note, masturbation brings more shrinkage and a longer refractory period, and more shrinkage, than sex. The feeling is more intense, but I get much less activity. For me the feeling of being aroused and orgasm is what chases erections and penis size away. I’ve only masturbated 4 times in the last 2 months, after the last time I’m just going to stick to sex, my package is still shrunken and unresponsive after the last time 3 days ago.

I think maybe it’s good to get erections regularly, but maybe not so good to ejaculate regularly

I’ve got this intuition too. But is there some hormonal description of what happens in both cases ?

I mean, get erected is good for maintaining blood flow, that is merely mechanical.
But after ejaculation, what is the normal body reaction ? I guess the loss of sperm should induce a stimulation of the testes to produce some new one : so does this mean there is a competitive use of the testosterone at that time between the testes that need it and the penis that is deprived of it (for a long long time in most of our cases here) ?

Though not a scientific source, the diagram on this page illustrates what occurs before and after orgasm.

Thanks for the link again !

So dopamin and prolactin seem much involved. I was tested for prolactin, but not for dopamin, and I don’t see a lot about dopamin in the forum, though in this article it is pointed at like the most important key to desire. Does it only make sense to mesure its blood concentration at one moment ? Is it too fluctuative to do such measure ? All I read about it occurs inside the brain, with dopaminergic neurons : is it supposed to circulat einside our veins also ?

Anyways, the article, aiming at focusing on those 2 hormones, doesn’t mention any reaction involving testosterone or sperm production boosting after ejaculating, which would seem logical, and conform to our experience of pelvic/testicular imconfort and penile shrinking after it.

And I am still wondering, in our attempts to stimulate testosterone production by natural ways, if ejaculating should force new endogenous production of it, or in the contrary, if it would just waste some precious one (or maybe also it just does nothing ??!)

Thanks for the link mew! I’m in a relationship at the moment and some of that stuff really rang true. Would high prolactin cause a long refractory period after sex, or ,like, a feeling of extreme tiredness/sluggishness?

That link seems to support the idea of getting aroused/erect regularly but not ejaculating as a way of moderating hormone levels. Something i am currently doing.

Thanks mew.