Androgel -- one man's experience, but unsure if it works


Age: 36
Time taken: 3 years
Posted: 3/4/2007

"I was one of the many posts on this forum. I tried every natural supplement known to man with zero luck.

Finally, I went to see a competent endocrinologist and once he saw my testosterone level in the lower 1/3 of the normal range he prescribed Androgel for me.

After a week my memory and concentration problems have gotten much better and I wake up in the middle of the night with erections.

I have been off Propecia for 8 months and this has been the best week that I can remember in a very long time. Also, my energy level has gone through the roof! Talk to your doctors this is really working for me."

Unfortunately the above success was short-lived. I was able to get in touch with the gentleman who posted the above via email, to see how he was doing. Here is his reply.

"I lasted only 11 days on the Androgel. For some reason my anxiety attacks came back in full force, had testicle pain, gained 5 pounds, huge knots in my neck and a constant sweaty feeling.

For the first week life was great but it went down hill so this is not the answer either. But the energy level that I had the whole time was great and I was horny as ever. "

A rather unfortunate end to a positive start… hopefully he recovers.

Could be caused by the HPTA shutting down after a week or two, and then there suddently aint enough T. The story dosn’t tell us anything about his E2 levels either, but anxiety and sweety feeling are both symptoms of too much E2. The weigh increase could be caused by water retain, and could possibly be from E2 too.

My thoughts are, that if he can feel OK for a week on the gel, he can feel the same way for years, if he can figure out to adjust his hormone levels.

He should have done tests, and not have givin up that easily!


You have hit the nail on the head!

Im on TRT and I feel great… I am able to have sex without an ED med… not all the time but I have 7 or 8 times since I stopped taking the shit… I have noc, spon, morn erections everyday and night… its sticking so what does that mean??