I’ve recently done a four week cycle with this supplement and wanted to post my findings. First, I want to say that this has been the most effective thing I have ever taken since stopping fin. After taking it, I realize that I’m definitely lacking DHT in the places that it’s supposed to be, namely my brain and dick. While “on” I noticed the following:
Erections were rock hard and full, thick, the way they are supposed to be.
I got that “tingle” in my head when becoming aroused. Something that has been long lost and barely around since stopping fin. I could actually feel myself becoming aroused like I used to (in my head) and would anticipate sexual stimulation
A calm confidence, again, like I used to feel. The bit of anxiety I would get was completely wiped out by these androgens in my brain. I must say that I felt my “dead spot” ( in my head) fill up.
Muscles became full and hard and strength went up (As the products name implies) I also had good aggression in the gym.
Downside: HEAVY HAIR LOSS. And, after about 3 weeks of constant use I started feeling shutdown, no libido, cranky, etc…
These findings were great, and I’m glad I ran the cycle, but now I’m in a bad spot mentally. When I’m having a less then smooth time in life because of my fin induced short comings, I know that all I have to do is take a shot of this stuff and my head will clear up, calm down and all will be well. I believe I may have upset the delicate balance I had established over the past couple years.
It also brings up more questions then answers for me. If 5ar activity can be upregulated through certain types of supplementation (whether this is true or not I believe is up in the air) then it should stand to reason that it can be downregulated as well. By supplying my body with already 5ar reduced material, can I be downregulating the enzyme that is left making my situation worse in the long run? Although the results this stuff gives is awesome, I think I may be better just jacking my T through the roof and upregulating 5ar as much as I can.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I will say this. I don’t think it could hurt to have a bottle of this on hand for use as a sex booster. The results come on quick enough that you could use it for those purposes. The downside is you would have to control yourself enough to only use it sparingly, which may be hard for some guys