An Easy Way Everyone Can Generate Funds For Research (for free)

Hi guys,

I wasn’t aware of this but if you use Amazon donates 0,5% of your purchases to a charity organization.
So please make use of this free money and choose the PFS Foundation or PSSD Foundation.

Please share this knowledge with your friends and family!


This is great! With the amount of money we have all spent on supplements we could make the foundation rich! (Kidding)


As there is no European PFS Foundation until now, I propose to choose a PSSD foundation for the time being and vice a versa. That way we can still raise money for the probably same disease

I couldn’t find one when browsing through the charity organizations - did you?

I don’t know their names.
anacleta, do you know if there is a European PSSD foudation that has reached charity status and is listed at amazon smile?

I don’t, and for Italy (and maybe other countries) amazon smile doesn’t exist

In Germany it’s available. So I hope PFS and PSSD are soon listed there