Amsch's Bloodwork (20 years), not looking good. (25 MONTH UPDATE)

  1. january 2010: added 25 month update!

last fsh = 2,8

Side effects: Low libido, dark cirles under the eyes, after-urination probs, left breast still enlarged.

Damn Doc. I told him all I wanted to add was Dihydrotestosterone, I even wrote it down. What did he give me? DHEA-S.


Thanks for posting your blood results. Crazy your total Testosterone dropped almost in half when you were 3 months off and then it remained below the level it was at when your were on the drug.

Your Prolactin was climbing higher the longer you have been off, that’s nuts. Overall your Prolactin and TSH are very high and your FSH is too low. Did your endo diagnose hypothyroidism?

You definitely have some issues with the Pituitary gland. Your breast is likely enlarged do to the increase in Prolactin. Prolactin is used for pregnant woman to create breast milk and not supposed to be at a high level for men. … tsh?page=2 … n=yssp_art

What treatments does the dr currently have you on?


Also, what other symtoms are experiencing? I couldn’t find your “story”. Did you ever create one.

I would guess with elevate Prolactin levels you must have issues with your memory. Do you have any issues with your eyes like sensativity to light and wind or blurring?

This is very interesting. The initial drop in Testosterone makes sense after stopping fin. This is because it starts getting turned into DHT after two weeks of quitting and your body can’t just start making more immediately. It slowly bumps up FSH(as the case with you) to produce more test. Since you don’t have DHT tested it is hard to say on what you need. I would be more concerned with your high estradiol levels. It is interesting that they dip after quitting but go back up. The dip makes sense, and that is what you would expect because less Test is available to aromatize into Estrogens. Also, DHT is an estrogen antagonist. Thanks for posting this, it is good to see a timeline progression on what has been happening

thanks for the posts!

First of all, it’s my GP and he told me he can make those blood tests 4x a year for free. However, he’s not a specialist at all and he said all those values are normal. Yeah…

I was on propecia for about 130-150 days. I was feeling pretty normal on those 4 1/2 months on propecia. I just had some slight watery semen in the first few weeks which went away.

However, after about 3 months i felt that my left breast (surprisingly just the left) was enlarged (who wonders, with this estrogene level). at first I thought i was imaginating this, so i continued. the situation got worse so i quit after 4 1/2 months.

Ok, now the question, what happened after that?

My libido was still ok, however, it goes downhill in the past months. I guess it’s the high prolactin which does this. I feel pretty tired/unmotivated all the time after propecia.

What really annoys me are those dark cycles under the eyes I got. After quitting propecia I tried topicals like revivogen, so I’m not sure wether they were caused by the topicals or by quitting propecia. However, they NEVER went away.

I have not been at an endo so far, there are not many specialists in my area. So right now I’m on no treatments.

We need more people to get Adiol-G tested so we can aligned simliar test results with each other. 6 others all had low Adiol-G levels. Im getting my tested soon… It seems we are narrowing it down to Prolactin, TSH, and Adiol-G, along with flucuating Testestorone, Estradial levels as well.


Taking zinc lowers estradiol, but also suppresses 5 alpha reductase type 2 activity. Might want to stay away from zinc until you’ve had Adiol-G tested. Try to get a total serum T when you get Adiol-G done.

Testosterone takes two paths in its breakdown, via amortase enzyme to estradiol, and through 5AR to DHT. If the DHT conversion pathway is messed up it would be my guess that estradiol climbs . . . . too much kills libido.

Amsch, couple of things:

  • Estradiol levels skyhigh, should probably be brought down
  • Prolactin high, should be brought down
  • TSH might indicate hypothyroidism or subclinical hypothyroidism
  • Elevated IgE levels possibly indicative of allergic or immune system reaction

Hopefully your endo will recognize these as issues and offer some treatment options.

Just added my 25 month update.

In the last 3 months I wasn’t on any treatments.

you would probably benefit from some estradiol lowering stuff like arimidex
this should get you libido and wood back

for prolactin you can take b6 p5p form two times a day

Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking about using Vitex for the Prolactin and Dim for the estrogen. What do you think of that?

btw, my tsh has gone down a lot in the last 3 months. Could it be that I do not have thyroid issues after all? I already had Ultrasound twice (about 1,5 years ago) and the docs said everything looks fine.

vitex i heard is good for lowering prolactin
problem is it can increase lh, and some cases ive seen they lower or increase estradiol and mess with other stuff which you need to measure

so i would go with b6 p5p form (no neurotoxicity)

you could have no physical thyroid issues, but it could be producing a lot less

dim would be good for decreasing estrogen… i would try enzymatic therapy dim brand (yes, for women) which is strong good stuff or the olympian labs brand heard some good stuff about that as well

Thanks for that, cumkwakka!

Any other opinions?


I think you’re hormones look fine. Slightly elevated estradiol is bad of course, but it’s not that much out of the borders.

Still wondering if someone could give me advice about Vitex (and DIM)

You need 3-adiol G and DHT. If your doctor wont test that, find another

how about arimedex for estrogen,and caberoline for polactin