Altered methylation pattern of the SRD5A2 gene in cerebrospinal fluid of post-finasteride patients: a pilot study

Funny how I got persistently worse and developed serious food sensitivities following supplementation that contains many of these natural DMNT inhibitors because they are more importantly, as you’ve noted, also potent 5ar inhibitors. The paper you linked also lists coffee as containing DMNT1 inhibitors. I haven’t noticed if coffee makes me feel worse.


You can increase allopreg currently without taking allopreg. You can take 5a-DHP which converts directly to allopreg. Several of us have tried it and some of have got positive results from it. It helped my sleep and made me feel “more normal” mentally.

The down stream metabolites are certainly involved here.


This is theory not fact


they should be doing both. More studies looking at the SRD5a2 genes of larger groups of PFS people as well as studies looking at receptor issues.

It’s good news in the regard that the findings will be used to do additional studies on the subject

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Where do you get the 5-dhp

5a-DHP did help me. Not really in sexual sides but it did help in other areas. My experience with it was for the most part the same as a handful of others who tried it. I’m not aware of it making anyone worse. However understand it’s for lab experiments.

I cycled it about 5 times. I played around with it enough to know I got the most benefit from it as possible for me. Only way I would take it again is if anything I try makes me much worse and my sleep is struggling enough to point that less extreme methods are not correcting the sleep. Than I would use it in an emergency.


This is theory not fact

Use at your own risk


Ordered it today. Should arrive in 20 days and will report back

Please let us know

Dose as little as possible. We are talking drops.


This is theory not fact

Use at your own risk

What are possible risks? Breast cancer?

Sorry for chiming in late, but i think i can test my CSF in a special hospital. My relative owns a hospital here. (Check out my latest thread.)

One question, you mentioned tissue spesific methylation. Does this means PFS/PAS is tissue spesific damage than systemic? Like our bones receive T and AR’s are fine but maybe only our prostate got methylated? Can you explain simply to me? I really know these medical terms…

By the way when you talk about genes, does this consist of whole body? So, PAS changed my epigenetics? And my development in puberty gor damage due to it?

Blood concentrations of neurosteroids are normal in methylated PFS patients.
(I don’t know how this happens though.)
What’s the point in taking exogenous hormones?

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Normal levels is why and how those monsters in Merck heve gotten away with it for all of these years. They knew all along

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Honestly I also don’t understand if unmethylation is good or bad for pfs patients according to that study.

Can’t we at least sue them now?? I mean isn’t everything should be over now? We found the evidence. They didn’t include this on their drug information.

Logically, we can now sue them and force them to start a study to cure us??? Why no one didn’t make a lawsuit yet? This is crazy

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Mate it drives me mad. I rang the law society recently and they gave me Tel numbers of local solicitors only. I wanted advice on making a group action law suit and they wouldn’t give me anything. They’ve settled in America so the precedence has been set. surely someone will fight for us. Like everyone solics want the easy money. I don’t know man. I know Pappasmurf rang lots of solics too. The no win no fee guys aren’t interested. We could fund a solic but it’s finding the right one. Part of the settlement agreement could be for them to look for a cure. Its on my list to start ringing around firms again but I’m so fucked most of the time

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Please please do something! We can actually change things! I believe in you. I wish i had PFS so that i can sue them.

I would surely do. Please guys, you can do this. This could actually bring the cure we all dream of! Talk to your lawyer and move step by step, it should not be so hard! Its possible.

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No one can sue anyone bro

They are lawyered up with the finest

It’s a waste of time. A lawsuit would just drain us from time and from money that we don’t have

How they can fight against our concrete evidence? We found AR overexpression on penises of PFS cases.

There is no way they can win that argument. Their drug caused this issue and thats illegal!

100% we all have so many common visible issues. I couldn’t age 15 years in 1 and lose 3 stone of muscle as well as 1cm of gum and see my dick become the size it was when I was at infant school. Horrible bastards need to pay for this


Lmao dude that’s not how it works

And even if we do win it would take many many years and we would BLEED money that we don’t have

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Exactly. The legal system just flat out doesn’t work like that. Best case, even if you won, they can appeal several times to make it expensive as shit to even follow through on. It sucks but that’s how it is. They could find experts to rip those findings apart. You’d have to then find an expert to prove your side. All of that costs money. I’ve got 2 other lawsuits going on right now and it’s crazy how convoluted things are.