Alpha hard

I got it 2 days ago. They recommend 3 pills in morning and 3 pills in afternoon.
I started with 2 pills. Definitely feel the effect, however, the half life seems too short.
I feel better within an hour or so, but then feel like i need another pill again.

Unfortunately this did not help with my PE. I am also dealing with that.

I am afraid that if i continue the treatment that will backfire somehow, but cdnuts was on androhard for a while and i thought maybe i should do the same… Any thoughts??

What effect does it have? If you keep going may need a pct.

Can you remind me what pct stands for, and explain further why…

It reduced numbness, increased fullness, and i masturbated 3 times in the last 2 days… Extremely rare since i usually go for 2 weeks without ( since propecia)

Post cycle Therapy. To restore your hpta after smashing hormones into your system. Read cdnuts thread properly. You need it. Cdnuts got shutdown by androhard. You really, really don’t want to get shut down.

Damn so this is more complicated than i thought…
How long should i go on alpha hard before having to do a pct…

I am really sick of all this man…i wish i managed to keep my gf…she was understanding but stupidly i did nit treat her right… I felt like a king with her…

I’m not going to tell you what I think you should do mate, you need to do your own research so you understand. You can’t trust random advice from a faceless dude on the internet when your health is at stake. Start by reading cdnuts thread properly, he goes into pct and even suggests products. Then check out some prohormone forums to get an idea of when and how to start your pct, how long your cycle should be etc.

You need to relax mate and be careful.


Buy Reboot. Made by the same company. Its their PCT cycle.

Guys, I appreciate the help. I know I need to do my own research by I have a concussion on top of this so this and the severe depression are basically making me brain dead.

I know nothing very little about cycling. I see Irwig and when he gave me clomid he told me to go for 2 months on them. He now is suggesting T shots. No mention of cycling.

Can someone please explain, especially in relation to DHT boosters which seem to be the only ones that are working for now.
Greatly appreciated.

If I understand correctly I should go 6 weeks on these alpha hard (can I add something to that, can I do T shots?) and then I have to do PCT… like novaldex?

I am seeing Irwig this Friday so would be good to get suggestions and run them by him… Thanks

How is your diet? your exercise regime? etc. Also, Prohormones are hard on your liver, are you using an On cycle support supplement too? They usually contain milk thistle and saw palmetto but there are some out there without either. This however I’m not going to help you with as I haven’t personally used on yet and therefore cannot definitely claim the supplement wont contain either of these.

Also, in comparison to Androhard apparently Alphahard is underdosed, therefore you have to take more to get an equivalent. That being said, less is more, if it’s working for you I wouldn’t mess with it due to the liver situation.


Go to the 4th and 5th post from the bottom of this page. Towm8er has used this. He puts a protocol with how to use alpha hard also

If your doing TRT and with Irwig I wouldn’t add these supps. Just stick with whatever he gives you.