alpha blockers

hubo mejoria d cuanto ? por qe hay casos qe un se siente bien y a la hora del sexo disminuye la efectividad.

I think Domino and Pecker Breker not prazosin Minipres still works.

(Please Update).

It does still work but you develop some tolerance over the course of a few months and need to up the dose slightly.

Yeah, I think I might have to up my dose to 2 mg daily. Will try this out when I get my new shipment in a few days.

I took prazosin for 3 weeks, didn’t have any effect at all. Maybe felt more drowsy, but in terms of erection quality, not much.

They suggested Minipress not prazosin

Aren’t they the same thing? Is that not like suggesting finpecia over proscar?

Anyway I’m another who isn’t responding to this. Maybe a little more fullness down below but not reversal of veins, wrinkles, sensitivity or anything like that. I don’t really have bad shrinkage anyway except after masturbation so maybe this is why, although my dick has been damaged a lot. Basically I can get the same minimal benefit from taking vitd at night say.

Just to check, do you have to take it for a while before the benefits show themselves? Because I’ve only taken about 8-10mg but was expecting instant results, that seems to be what was implied by BP and moonman’s accounts.

Also get sides of tiredness and if taken at night grogginess and head pressure the following morning.

I took it for a day or two at 1mg daily before I felt the effects.

Domino Minipress-Prazocin still works for you??.

It was whenever I ate healthily with it but I ran out a few days ago and my supplier doesn’t currently take credit cards as payment so I won’t have any for a little while now. Could be a few months if not longer.

I have received yesterday beginning with minipress.

Okay, good luck delux. Let us know how it goes for you.

Am I the only one who feels like the cycles are getting less and less after 6 months? I no longer have testicle or pelvic pain. I haven’t used alpha blockers. Have you guys not seen any natural tome dependent improvement with that constricted / congestion problem?

Yes but its taken two years.

BP- I know it sucks that its been two years, but at least it’s an excellent sign that the body is attempting to correct itself or receptors are regrowing/regenerating. Theoretically it should continue to improve.

I still experience “small” days, where they usually just feel softer and everything number than usual; they probably remain the same size these days, they just feel smaller. I don’t particularly experience “big” days anymore, I don’t think. One good thing I guess if you can consider it a good thing is that I’ve got way too many other side effects on my mind on a daily basis that I either don’t notice the size of my nuts or just simply don’t care that they’re smaller–well I always care, just not as much when a great majority of the other side effects that are much more distracting occur. My nuts really only hurt during my run of Propecia…very seldom after discontinuation. The constriction still occurs but it’s much less distracting. Again, I have had a shit storm of other side effects to deal with since discontinuing Propecia that these days small balls are the least of my worries.

That unfortunately I have 5 days taking 2Mg Daily and I have not taken effect. I want to die. :imp:

How’s your diet delux? If it’s good then my guess would be you might need a higher dose. Otherwise, I would healthy up your diet and maintain a more active lifestyle (if you can help it). Prazosin worked optimally for me when I had a good diet and poorly or not at all when I ate mostly junk food.

:imp: I think it has to do 12 years in this hell of propecia.

My diet is fatal. Friend Domino.

It could be delux. But fix your diet, it will help considerably! And it has been about a week since your last post here…any improvements?