alpha blockers

I started to get very scared when I read Dr. jacobs most recent post where he sounds pessimistic and I thought this cant be insensitivity because i put on 20 lbs on testosterone and i have a libido and tumescence when on the test but i just cant get it up so i am thinking it is just something wrong with how the process for getting an erection works - something with the dopamine/norepenephrin balance or something since i tried the bromocriptine with the dopa precursors and the problems continued

I have been researching how Yohimbe works since it is so effective and it is an alpha(2) blocker.

Has anyone tried any alpha(2) blockers? … c_receptor

It lists a few of the TRICYCLIC antidepressants

it breaks down how each of the options for alpha blockers bind to the a2
Compound↓ SERT↓ NET↓ DAT↓ 5-HT1A↓ 5-HT2A↓ α1↓ α2↓ D2↓ H1↓ mACh↓
Amoxapine 58 16.0 4,310 220 0.6 50 2,600 160 25 1,000
Loxapine 2,400 380 9,000 2,900 1.7 28 2,400 70 4.9 450
Maprotiline 5,800 11.1 1,000 12,000 120 90 9,400 350 2.0 570
Mianserin 4,000 101 9,400 190 4.3 74 4.3 2,197 1.7 820
Mirtazapine >100,000 1,640 >100,000 ? 69 608 19 >5,454 1.6 794
Oxaprotiline 3,900 4.9 4,340 67,000 2,400 620 42,000 ? 21 2,900

I found out more about alpha blockers here:
it says:
Alpha blockers relax certain muscles and help small blood vessels remain open. They work by keeping the hormone norepinephrine (noradrenaline) from tightening the muscles in the walls of smaller arteries and veins. Blocking that effect causes the vessels to remain open and relaxed. This improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

So then i google “alpha blocker erection” and find an article saying that not only do alpha blockers NOT cause ED but some patients reported 100% improvement in erections … ion-and-ed

U put on 20 lbs of muscle on test? Definately would indicate androgen receptors are working…

Yes, I put on muscle easily with testosterone. Like, 10kg worth without too much effort. I reckon androgen receptors are working fine.


I didn’t put on muscle on androgel, I think unfortunately some of us are in a worse position than others and fear androgen resistance.

Yeah dude but how much were you using it’s not gonna be a fair comparison of 50-100mg of androgel compared with 250-500mg IM test-e. No one would put on noticeable muscle supplementing with small dose androgel.

When I started by TRT treatment I put on 5-7 kgs of lean muscle mass in 3 months with very little training.

The doctor checked that in my second visit with a device that measures your fat and muscle mass.

I was quite surprised to see such a dramatic increase in lean muscle, as it usually takes a long time to build muscle naturally for ordinary body builders. Maybe the device is not so accurate.

I got a lot of acne in my back too… So T was definitively doing some work. However, ED / fatigue / brain fog remained.

Although I can put on weight i don’t get any acne on my back Nowat all except for a day of brief recovery I got one big zit on my back right in line with getting it up… That’s why was thinking androgen resistance but I’m putting on the wieght so it’s just an imbalance hormonally and neorologically that needs to be corrected I’m thinking

heavy acne in the back came while on 2.5 gr of testogel 10% per day.
I get seldom and mild acne now, at 1.5 gr

as TRT seems only to be a patch, sure there’s other things to fix at an hormonal / neurotransmitters level and who knows what else!

When you were on TRT how much shrinkage did you experience down below?

me? no shrinkages of any type. 11 months of TRT so far.

Thanks for the info. I was concerned as I’ve read that sometimes TRT can cause shrinkage. I also read online that there was a once every 3 month shot that was in phase 3 trials for TRT. The articles seemed to indicate that the phase 3 trials were over but I couldn’t find if it was ever approved. Does anyone have any info on it:

how are you using 2.5 or 1.5 gr PER DAY??? that doesnt make any sense. you cant be taking that much

I got a script for Remeron from the same doc that wrote me one for baclofen and zolpidem.

After I took the Remeron i PASSED OUT in 30 minutes (about 930pm) and woke up on the couch at 5am. I havent slept from 9 - 5 this whole time i ALWAYS wake up a gazillion times.

My dick feels nice and firm today but I took Yohimbe 48 hours ago so it could still be in my system a bit. My doc says there is no harm in using Yohimbe with the remeron

remeron made me feel horrible it made everything worse. i stopped it yesterday

sorry, it’s testosterone gel 10%; thanks for noticing!

Doc put me on Doxazasin and yohimbe now… ill keep yall posted

What brand of Yohimbine are you taking? Is it over the counter or prescription? how much do you take? I’ve been looking for a good brand, but appearently most stuff sold over the counter is junk. I tried looking into yocon, but it seems that it’s not sold in the usa anymore, maybe I’m wrong.

I get it made at a compounding pharmacy they make it in 5.4mg capsules. the stuff exists in powder form you might have to call around a little bit. also you can buy it over the counter too. i highly recommend you take it with wellbutrin and talk to a really good psychytrist about our depression

I’ve had tremendous success in restoring my flaccid size with 1 mg daily prazopress (prazosin). Does anyone here know if I should expect the effects to decline? I’ve been on it for ten straight days with seemingly complete recovery of flaccid size almost every day. My boys also hang at a comfortable height and I feel it’s easier to get an erection now. I would definitely recommend the use of alpha blockers.

it works for you the Doxacina domino?