Alpha Blockers: Where do you get them?

More than any of my other post-finasteride syndrome symptoms, I worry about penile atrophy. So I became very intrigued when I read that a lot of guys on here say they’ve seen at least temporary return of bloodflow to their genitals with the use of alpha-blockers. I’d be interested in trying them out myself, the problem is I have no idea where to acquire such a thing: My general practitioner is far too conservative to prescribe such a thing (she doesn’t even want to do TRT) and I won’t be able to see my specialist for another few months. And as my penis asphyxiates from lack of oxygen, time becomes an increasingly important factor.

Are there circumstances where alpha-blockers can be purchased over-the-counter? Can they be reliably ordered from a country wherein they are not a controlled substance? Have any of you resorted to purchasing them from Indian pharmacies? Thanks guys.