Allopregnanolone SPRAY

Prozac won’t work if your 5ar isn’t working.

And I doubt that allopregnanolone spray is legitimate. It is unstable and will probably just oxidize in solution. Never mind the fact that therapeutic forms are just now in clinical trials.

Ganaxolone looks interesting, but it’s an analog and not the real deal.

I tried the spray and it didn’t really do anything. I even switched out the sprayer for a dropper and snorted it like a crack whore. I didn’t notice any difference.

LOL! That’s pretty funny. Sounds like something I would try.

But seriously you noticed no benefits with the allopreg spray?

How long did you use it for?

allopregnanolone Is the back bone of the Alex miller theory that I just recently read for my first time…

I like the idea of looking beyond 5AR/DHT being the answere as 5Ar inhibitors are not ONLY inhibiting just DHT.

I learned a lot from his theory.

I think the Allopreg should be giving a much better chance than simply having a couple of us try it.
I’ll be trying this soon