Allopregnanolone - Fluoxetine (Prozac) - Ganaxolone

Hi guys

I have been reading a lot on insomnia mechanisms. there is a chance that I have chronic insomnia from a short term propecia use (4 or 5 weeks) since I did experience gynecomastia (but then I quit)… I don’t know if or not it’s connected to propecia because in fact, I had juvenile epilepsy too and I was always a worrier. Truth is my probs with insomnia started 1 year and half after quitting finasteride.

Now, it appears that allopregnanolone is involved in depression (which may very well be the reason behind my insomnia since I wake up at 6am) and anxiety, even if the user never touched finasteride. This could mean that my levels were already low, so when I touched the bl**dy finasteride, my levels just went lower, triggered anxiety, which later triggered chronic insomnia which perpetuated this cycle that didn’t allow to replenish the pool of Allopregnanolone.

I have looked into ways of increasing the concentrarions of this neurosteroid and came up with the following:

  • Prozac at 2mg or less (must have an effect - lookup fluoxetine and PMS - women are getting relief from this).
  • Allopregnanolone in spray from (Celtic Dreams Mist Spray) - I’m not sure how dangerous this is though…
  • Ganaxolone - This is under approval but it seems to work with minimal side effects for conditions involving low ALLO.

Has anyone tried ANY of these methods and experienced relief from mental sides?

more stuff that may work:
The following are sinergistic as I’ve read:

  • Glycine (Maybe take amino-acid L-Glycine)
  • Geselium (Maybe take Uzaru Root extract, or there’s an homeophatic medicine from Yellow Jasmine: Gelsemium sempervirens)

Anyone tried it?

I’ll keep posting here more related supplements/nutrients/plants/drugs…