Allopreg {write up}

Good write up on allopreg, if you are interested

Anyone tried to fix allo like described in this article? Since my mental problems don’t get better i am thinking in taking pregnenolone.

Every comment appreciated, thx.

What mental sides do you have? I’m also looking at the allo route. Have you tried drinking alcohol since your crash? If so, how does it affect you both during and the next day?

Hi @Mcbbould

I often have head pressure/pain, difficult to describe with neck stiffness/pain.
The worst is that i have nearly 0 stress resistance. Even a simple talk to a person gives me after some minutes a very strange feeling in my head, like stress comes up and get more and more. It gaves me vertigo and i often think that i am on the point to faint away. A lot of light, or music/noise gives me this feelings to. I aĺso have the impression that breathing is then more difficult. Like beeing under stress al the time and the simplest thing can put me in total stress and my head simply can’t control it anymore. I don’t realy know how i can explain this condition correctly.
A also have problems in concentraiting, working long times on the pc is very difficult for me now. Sometimes i also have the impression that my heart has problems since stopping fin 1y ago.

Sexual sides are all gone, suicidal thoughts are gone. I only can’t get ride of the mental problems and sometimes gut issues (but are better now since on a diet)

In the first 2-3 months after the problems began i felt like i got a lot better when i drank alcohol. Suddenly after drinking i felt nearly recovered. But i had the feeling that the day after i felt worse than before drinking, that’s why i stopped drinking alcohol for over a month now. Perhaps i should try drinking sometimes again…

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Interesting. For me it’s a constant lightheadedness/derealization type feeling accompanied by what I think are visual sides. My head basically processes visual stimuli slower and “turned down.” Most evident when I look in the mirror (something is off). I have found the day after drinking these symptoms are noticeably better, including my head pressure and dizziness. Early on I suffered from some of the stress responses that you mention, but I eventually I worked through them. I still have all the visual/perpetual sides, but strangely enough it doesn’t affect my cognition/memory nor does it cause stress or anexity anymore (unless I ruminate). I’ve almost internalized this as a challenge, which pushes me to fight through it. I am staying away from drinking for the most part as I know this isn’t a long term solution, and this will probably desensitize me more and make things worse in the long wrong. Although, it’s nice to live a little once in a while.

read it time ago.
i think is not a good idea playing with p or dhp since our body can build up tolerance.
if you try, let me know.

i also read some studies about the connection between caffeine and allo: the fact is that our brain increases allo to cope with the anxiogenic properties of caffeine. so caffeine will only make you feel more anxious.