
i ran across this info on T and albumin: … erone.html

ever time i have had my blood work done, my albumin has been out of range high and my T was low/normal. what would this mean about my condition? would trt benefit me?

Since albumin can bind up T, leaving you with less free T, then it could potentially be an issue. The question would then be – how to free up the T bound to albumin and hopefully bring it down.

Aside from natural supplements such as Nettles/Avena Sativa/Muira Puama, there may be drugs to help with this… have you talked to your doc about it? What about your SHBG, how is that? Have you posted your tests in the Blood Tests section yet?

TRT may be of benefit in elevating your total T, but if it is getting bound up by Albumin and SHBG then you probably may not feel the effects as you should. You’d also have to watch for aromatization of the high T to E2.

High Albumin can mean dehydration also. How much water do you drink? Also even though T is bound to Albumin, it is only loosely bound…so it doesn make that much of a difference. Its not bound like SHBG binds it.

How high is your Alubimin?

Bumping this as I believe taking albumin powder (just once!) might have produced a slight crash on me.
Sad thing is that I didn’t even take it to treat my condition or anything, but just as a good protein source.
Btw, does this mean that we should not over-eat eggs in general?

Egg (whites)albumen is not related to albumin, so I doubt it.

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Albumen is not related to albumin? Really?
Well that’s confusing, but i’m glad, eggs are a very good food.
Thank you btw.