AeroEngr Blood Test Data

I typed everything that I have available to share into a spreadsheet; I hope you all have Excel. If anyone has any specific questions in regards to the circumstances of these tests, please let me know.

Also, I am going to have an additional blood test performed in a month or two; does anyone have any specific ideas about what else I should be testing? I already saw the “short list” and the longer list and each of them seem ridiculously long to me, so I’m hoping that someone can suggest a few key markers that are more significant (i.e. the 3a-diol-G that I’ve noticed mentioned on here) so that I can streamline my testing request the next time around.

Summary of Blood Test Data.xls (31.4 KB)

Consistently low FSH, consider getting inhibin B tested (elevated inhibin B reduces FSH). DHT on the low side.

You have several different measures of free and bio-available testosterone. Might I suggest just going with the calculated one using your albumin and SHGB levels (albumin doesn’t vary much over time, nor does its absolute level change the calculation much, so just use one you’ve had in the last year).

Here is the calculator, more reliable than relying on the lab to determine the actual free testosterone by direct analysis:

It would be worthwhile getting your 24 hour urinary hormone profile evaluated for example by Rhein labs. Then calculate your metabolite ratios.

I am going to get tested for inhibin and activin in about a week, in addition to revalidating several of my other hormonal numbers. I’ll post the data when it is available.