Yes I wrote a post her during my first week on low dose arimidex. I pretty much said I was cured.
I am now on just T alone. 27mg E3D. This has given me my enegy back and totally cleared the cystic acne that FIN gave me.
The reason why this has happend I belive is because I have shut down my testicles which are a source of estrogen.
So now my estrogen is lower and my testosterone is higher. This makes me feel better. But my estrogen is must still be relativly high as it is pushing up mu SHBG.
I do not have much luck with arimidex. I think it is hard to manage.
Aromasin may be easier, I am not sure. I prefer the idea of aromasin because it has a shorter half life so the drug is not constantly in your system. It half life is 8 hours or something I think. It binds to your aromataze and takes it out.
My plan is this.
Reduce my testosterone dose to like 15mg E3D. Add in proviron at 50mg ED. Dropping the test low should bring my SHBG and Estradiol into the optimum range and the proviron DHT will be free to act on my cells without being interfred with by too much estrogens.
I reckon this could be a much more stable way to modify our hormones.
If you are in the US proviron is not available but you can purchase stana-drol or andro hard which convert into dht.
You could also try some othe anti estrogens like formestane or the new one PES erase. But in my experience it is very hard to control your estrogens. And we really do not know how these anti estrogens work, as in which parts of the body are they most active in.
Lots of people have reported improvements lowering there estrogen. I think this is an important issue.