Advertisers know

For close to two years now I’ve been bombarded with media related to every diabetic, rheumatoid, dermatological, sexual, neurological, and orthopedic symptom of PFS. I’ve long suspected that despite all the ‘what?? nooo!’ from the medical community, advertisers know exactly what PFS is, moreso than even the researchers and podcasters who blather on about sides and suicide. The opportunity to make a buck really clears the cobwebs apparently.

Now this article pops up and it’s far too on the nose to leave any doubt. I do appreciate that they make a clear distinction between the on-drug and post-drug conditions. On the other hand I make that point quite a bit which is more evidence that someone is watching.

As the targeting predates AI I’m wondering who is doing all this ad research and if it’s available to the public. I may do some digging.


Hey, good that you talk about it @mstone! She microneedeld with phyto Retinol .

Retinol is now in every cream for teens and children for cosmetic reasons and Cosmetic industry profits. It becomes the next accutane drama with pas.

Retinol at normal doses is well tolerated. High doses may cause enlargement of the liver, dry skin, and hypervitaminosis A.[1][4] High doses during pregnancy may harm the fetus.[1] The body converts retinol to retinal and retinoic acid, through which it acts.[2]

The key role of all-trans-retinoic acid in embryonic development mediates the high teratogenicity of retinoid pharmaceuticals, such as isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) used for treatment of cancer and acne. Oral megadoses of preformed vitamin A (retinyl)

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If I got secretary of health here in Germany pharma would flee in fear of death and panic the first night and we all would live with human Medicine in harmony with God and divine creation without desecrating it for profit every day 24/7. Healthy and with a long and holy life.


Do you get this ad targeting in Germany? I don’t know if it’s just an American phenomenon. It’s flippin annoying though because the rare times I’m not thinking about PFS and trying to consume unrelated media I have to see ads about eye wrinkles, crepe skin, and belly fat. Before PFS all my ads were about home improvement and outdoor stuff.

Stop showing me “Crepe Erase” commercials you fucking assholes! Every god damn fucking day. And while you’re at it stop showing me those before and after cartoons of middle-aged dudes with belly fat. I get it, you know all about it. Now shut the fuck up you fucking vultures.

Many medical professionals know unusual side effects can occur from various seemingly on the surface “harmless” medications and never mind the umbrella of substances people here got screwed over by there is so much more out there that can cause damage just as badly. It’s just an endless cycle of making new drugs to treat the symptoms alone of another set of drugs while never getting to the root of the problem. It’s the easiest and fastest way to make money and keep it coming in while also helping some of the issues with some of the people suffering. Some will get more symptoms from the symptom reliever and the same cycle will happen. I also know family members who have gotten into serious situations simply because the doctor wanted to try some new drug under the same class they were already on, it’s just evil treating humans like unknowing medical experiments. Otherwise healthy people that over time develop chronic health issues from age just don’t know any better so they keep falling for it and some never connect the dots.

I remember when I first started getting sick I didn’t either, I had heard about PFS but I thought I didn’t need to worry and it’d be less risky to try saw palmetto. Before this all happened I had numerous health issues too so to me thinking it was just some temporary erectile dysfunction that stops when you stop just went for it. I thought people were complaining about nothing, I’d been through much worse before side effect and withdrawal wise from things before (or so I thought, boy was I about to be proven dead wrong). It started just like someone else;s case on that Moral Medicine channel who took it too with the same pattern of digestive and mental problems then got much worse after a month even after I stopped taking it. One day my body almost completely shut down on me and if I didn’t trace back I would think I had something like cancer or equally as horrifying that just suddenly took me down where I’d be thrown into the medication loop for the rest of my life.

On my Amazon orders page this is now on permanent display. I have never searched for these products, would never use them. I have tried every possible method to remove it…adblock, account preferences, deleted history even though there was nothing in history to suggest this. Adblock works but it also blocks my order list entirely which is no good. Fuck, this is irritating the shit out of me and I don’t have room for more irritation. How can society pretend our symptoms don’t exist then target us with ads for those exact symptoms? Fucking hell.

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Fwiw, it’ll be based on your browsing history - whether that’s searching for products that they directly promote to you OR products that other people buy after buying what you’ve bought, deleting your history etc won’t be enough.

Device fingerprinting, IP address, are you logged into a browser, are you logged into any site whatsoever. Etc. Etc. all that stuff gets logged, saved and a profile is built.

There’s nothing in my Amazon history about it. The only connection I have to those products and the conditions they treat are my PFS reports on this site and the Reddit sub. It’s easy to remove history/purchase-linked recommendations on Amazon, this isn’t that.

BUT, good news I finally painstakingly Adblocked them…had to do the pic, the descrip, and the ‘add to cart’ individually until it was a blank square.